Social Report

Together with Employees (Human Resource Development)

The LINTEC Group prepares educational programs tailored to employees’ work assignments and abilities and strives to develop competent human resources.
LINTEC has introduced a human resource development program for the professional development of workers exhibiting “pyramid-shape” competency, comprising expertise supported by broad knowledge and sense. The program not only increases workers’ skills but also maximizes individuals’ motivation and supports their self-motivated career design. It continues to evolve as an “autonomous development” training system based on employee feedback. The latest training programs are divided into two categories: rank-based and theme-based.

  • Career design: refers to the planning of one’s own career so as to use one’s own abilities by taking into account one’s own experiences, skills, and ideal future.

Human Resource Development

Rank-based Training and Career Planning

Aiming at developing people who can contribute to the growth of the company and society, LINTEC, as part of its human resources training, has introduced company-wide rank-based training programs that allow individual employees with diverse values to realize their personal growth according to the current stage of their career building, starting from training for new employees provided when they join the company (young salespersons, new section chief, new manager).
Through the training programs, LINTEC supports individuals in both skill acquisition and career design.
As part of personnel development efforts, each employee has an interview with their supervisor twice a year to receive feedback on performance and activity evaluations, which helps them maintain and increase their motivation.
The Human Resources Department organizes interview sessions for employees in their fourth and seventh year with the company in order to support their career development. This is to provide an opportunity for individual employees to discuss with the company various issues related to career building.

  • Career design: refers to the planning of one’s own career so as to use one’s own abilities by taking into account one’s own experiences, skills, and ideal future.

CSR Study Session

The LINTEC Group formulated the “Compliance Guidelines” in the form of a small booklet, and distributes it to all employees. We hold CSR study sessions using these guidelines, with the aim of raising each employee’s awareness.

Global Education

LINTEC broadly introduced the LINTEC Standard Package (LSP), a globally available core system for production and sales operations developed in-house by the Information Systems Department, to business sites in and outside Japan. To ensure efficient and stable operation of this system, we have provided training for IT staff at sites where the system has been introduced. Going forward, we will host global-scale training programs involving digital transformation (DX), planning, design, development, and other functions, aiming to enhance system operations across the group.

Information Security Education

LINTEC has developed the Information Security Management Rules and conducts a self-check every year at each department based on the Information Security Operational Rules and Internal Audit Checklist.
LINTEC has been running an e-learning program for performing an information security self-audit as part of its efforts to promote understanding and raise awareness among employees concerning information management.
In line with an increase in the use of information tools, such as web conferencing and internal chat, recently we have been updating security education.
LINTEC provides comprehensive education that includes points to note when using social media in a personal capacity, as well as internal rules on information management.

Technology Familiarity Workshops

The LINTEC Group hosts the Technology Familiarity Workshop to promote technology exchanges within the group.

Self-development Correspondence Training Courses

Twice a year, LINTEC offers external self-development correspondence training courses to interested employees. The company subsidizes a part of the cost for those who complete a course within a given time frame. There is a wide variety of course content available, such as management, business skills, DX, foreign languages, liberal arts, and qualifications certificate programs.

Language Training

To develop employees who can excel on a global stage, LINTEC has introduced a language-training program as a support system for self-motivated study. Participants are selected by the selection committee from among applicants based on self-recommendation or a recommendation obtained from their division head. Although the training time varies depending on each employee’s language level, the aim is for participants to reach their target level with about 100 to 150 hours of training.