- Sustainability
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- Together with Employees (Safety and Disaster Prevention)
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Together with Employees (Safety and Disaster Prevention)
The LINTEC Group established and continues to operate the Occupational Safety and Health Policy. According to the policy, annual safety and health plans are developed, and relevant activities are carried out in accordance with the plans, which set targets and specific activities for individual priority actions. Activity results are evaluated by way of internal audit and management review to assist activities in the following fiscal year.
Occupational Safety
Occupational Safety and Health Policy
In 2018, the LINTEC Group established the LINTEC Occupational Safety and Health Policy and created the LINTEC Occupational Safety and Health Manual to be used by all business sites excluding the Head Office and sales offices in Japan.
The Safety and Health Management System has been established, and the Safety and Health Committee and the Health Committee each hold a monthly meeting.
LINTEC created a program for “Creating a Culture of Safety and Health” to provide an easy-to-understand guide to its safety and health activities. Using this, and based on the Four LINTEC Safety Principles, we will promote the four pillars of safety and health activities to foster LINTEC’s safety and health culture.
Annual Safety and Health Plans
Each fiscal year, the LINTEC Group formulates annual plans for safety and health activities. The plans indicate top management policies and set priority action items to realize the policies, including safety patrols, risk assessment*, and safety education. More specific activities and targets are set for the priority action items and are reflected in safety and health activities. The results of activities and the progress are reported in the monthly Safety and Health Committee meetings, and all members of the Committee engage in discussions on improvement. By implementing such PDCA cycles that lead to the next round of initiatives, the LINTEC Group continues to step up its safety and health activities.
- *Risk assessment: Evaluating risks to set safety standards.
Annual Safety and Health Plan
- Meetings of the Safety and Health Committee
- Patrols
- Risk assessment safety education
- Training plan
- Inspection planning
- Measurement of work environment conditions
- Medical checkups*
- Mental health
- Internal audit
- Management review, etc.
- *In cooperation with the Tokyo Stationery Industry Health Insurance Society, which LINTEC belongs to, the company holds periodic medical checkups. Based on the analysis of the results, each site offers follow-up testing and personal health guidance to employees if necessary.
Safety and Health Committee and Health Committee
Every month, the LINTEC Group plants and research centers in and outside Japan hold Safety and Health Committee meetings, while the Head Office, Bunkyo Kasuga Office, Osaka Branch Office, and other business sites having sales departments convene Health Committee meetings. Each of these meetings are attended by representatives of the labor union.
Matters concerning overall safety and health, including statutory matters, are discussed by the committees, and we make it a rule to seek employee input. Regarding the outcomes of the committee meetings, the head of each site has the responsibility and authority to make the final decision.
After Safety and Health Committee and Health Committee meetings conducted at each business site, employees’ opinions submitted at these events are recorded in the proceedings, and relevant information is communicated to all employees.
Protection Against High-incidence / High-risk Diseases Related to Work Duties
Recognizing that the LINTEC Group’s business unavoidably involves work duties posing a high risk of causing disease, we have established a structure to prevent such risks. At worksites where organic solvents are used, for instance, an organic solvent work chief is appointed to provide appropriate work instructions, and the work environment is periodically monitored. Related workers are required to receive a special health examination in addition to the standard medical checkup.
Measures have been developed for various other special duties carrying high health risks, such as employing legally qualified workers, installing protective equipment, and offering special health examinations.
Toward Zero Accidents Resulting in Absence from Work
To determine work-related occupational injury risks, we perform risk assessments in terms of the probability of occurrence and gravity of consequence.
Disaster Control
For disaster prevention and mitigation, the LINTEC Group practices group-wide BCMS activities based on ISO 22301*, and conducts risk assessments, placing top priority on saving human lives.
- *ISO 22301: An international standard for BCMS that a corporation or organization should follow in establishing and effectively operating a system to prepare for earthquake, fire, trouble in the IT system, financial crisis, bankruptcy of supplier, pandemic, or other natural disaster or accident.