Making our way toward a bright future together with our stakeholdersEstablishing LINTEC as a company appreciated by all its stakeholdersI believe that our group employees are the driving force of all of LINTEC’s businesses as well as an engine for generating corporate strength. LINTEC must therefore strive to be a company that its employees are proud to work for, despite the occasional hardships. This is also a basic condition for the company to be appreciated by other stakeholders, who are also our supporters.Despite the bad results recorded for the period under the previous medium-term business plan, which were due to various factors existing in the business environment, each employee did their utmost to fulfill their role in implementing initiatives. I appreciate those efforts. By stepping up such efforts, I believe we will be able to post good figures under the “LSV 2030 – Stage 2” plan. In order to grow our business, we need to increase our operating income and improve our operating profit margin and ROE*. Going forward, we will make appropriate proposals to customers as required and promote “metabolic” activities with suppliers. In this fashion, LINTEC will continue to be a sustainable business operator.* ROE: Return on equityThe Message from the President contains essential concepts and views that must be understood if we are to implement the “LSV 2030” long-term vision successfully. All group employees are asked to join forces and align themselves with these views and policies in order to generate strong forward momentum.In this context, the Sustainability Management Office plays two major roles, as described below.First, for the achievement of the vision, we must ensure that the intention of top management is effectively conveyed to all employees and that they fully understand it and are willing to act on it. In light of the president’s message, the following is particularly important. In order for the group to achieve full momentum, each employee needs to develop their own ideas about the reasons behind the long-term vision and “LSV 2030 – Stage 2” and their roles in contributing to the achievement of these plans. Employees must then engage in priority issues as well as group-wide and department-wide initiatives with a sense of ownership. Meanwhile, the president will act as their “strongest supporter,” encouraging each one to innovate and test the limits of their potential.The second role of the Sustainability Management Office is associated with the recent major changes in the external environment surrounding the group, which are increasing in scope, intensity, depth, and speed. It should be noted that sustainability issues set for materiality (material issues) are organically linked with management strategies in order to contribute to corporate growth and should not be treated separately as independent pre-financial issues. To facilitate the understanding of this notion, we recognize the increasing importance of presenting a reasonable narrative to explain the related issues.It is our job to map these environmental changes and requirements accurately and offer new suggestions to the Sustainability Committee and other internal organizations, and to plan measures to promote appropriate activities. We then disclose the results of the implementation of the group’s strategies and activities, both internally and externally, in an appropriate and timely manner so that the group is able to enhance its performance through dialogues with stakeholders.So, in summary, our roles are to convey the intention of top management to serve as the strongest supporter of employees while building a culture that encourages independent thought and action; and to promote new approaches and strategies to be implemented toward realizing the long-term vision. Going forward, we are strongly committed to fulfilling these two roles.Masaru HoshiExecutive OfficerGeneral Manager, Sustainability Management Office07Response to the Message from the PresidentDialogue
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