As a global company, promoting appropriate and respectful communication with internal and external partiesAct with speed and sincerityRealizing the Vision—LINTEC’s missions and my missionsProceed with LINTEC’s vision in mindPresident as the strongest supporter of employeesOne of the core principles of corporate governance is disclosure and transparency. This is becoming an important issue for the LINTEC Group as it expands its global reach through M&As*. To make new overseas subsidiaries feel welcome, we work early on to engage in appropriate and respectful communication when negotiating policies and refrain from requiring them to comprehensively follow Japanese business practices and styles.We also place a great deal of importance on the performance of disclosure with speed and transparency. For shareholders and investors, we take particular care to ensure the impartiality of disclosed information. With regard to the disclosure of management information and matters resolved by the Board of Directors, we are working to improve the speed at which this occurs.* M&As: Mergers and acquisitions“LSV 2030 – Stage 2” has been formulated based on results of “LSV 2030 – Stage 1.” Among the full set of initiatives defined for the current Stage 2 plan, each of which should in principle have equal weight, in my view, DX* should be given overriding priority. This is in response to the formidable situation we experienced during the second year of the previous Stage 1 plan, which ended with a bad result on our part due largely to the impact of monetary policies of governments around the world to raise interest rates in order to control inflation, as well as to the slowdown in demand related to electronics and optics. In order to be a sustainable company, we must be able to continue to do business even in the harshest environment. To this end, profitability is crucial. To ensure this capacity, we need to agilely respond to changes in surrounding conditions. One such major change that is currently giving rise to concerns right across society is the labor shortage resulting from the aging and shrinking of our national population. In response to this situation, we are planning to adopt DX and robotics technologies to reform work practices so as to reduce dependence on human labor.The LINTEC Group has managed to remain in business for many years since its founding despite a host of challenges. It has done this thanks to the help of its customers, support of its suppliers, and efforts of all group employees. Based on this robust history, we will continue to advance while contributing to the realization of a sustainable world, which is what I imagine when I think about our vision.* DX: Digital transformation. Refers to an operational reform approach to adapting to environmental changes by utilizing data and digital technologies to transform product, service, and business models according to customer and social needs as One of my most essential missions is to make sure our employees fully understand the new medium-term business plan, “LSV 2030 – Stage 2.” For this purpose, I am making considered efforts in view of a disappointing past experience when employee satisfaction surveys revealed that measures to explain company policies had failed. To avoid a similar failure, I am taking appropriate opportunities as they become available, such as in-house newsletters, internal meetings, and occasional site visits, to describe the details of the plan in plain yet memorable language.We are also endeavoring to create an environment in which employees in all departments, regardless of whether or not they are involved in development activities, are encouraged to submit suggestions for new products and businesses. In the past, I myself made such suggestions based on customer requests and market needs that I had identified while working in sales. I therefore suggest that the frontline sales team should be able to voluntarily offer ideas for new products and get involved in development activities. It is important to build a corporate culture in which every employee is willing to participate in new development activities. This concept can be applied not only for product creation but also for improved management and business models. This, I believe, will be a source of LINTEC’s robust strength and innovation.I will be our employees’ strongest supporter, providing encouragement to each person in our diverse workforce to innovate. This is my vitally important role.well as promoting makeovers in work contents and processes, organization design, corporate culture, and other business practices with the aim of establishing competitive advantages.05
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