Message from the President We are also promoting production of solvent-free release materials and adhesives and proactive development and marketing of environmentally friendly products, such as “mono-material” labelstock. In addition, we are taking necessary steps to protect the natural environment in locations where we conduct production activities to fulfill our responsibilities as a manufacturer. Furthermore, in accordance with “LSV 2030 – Stage 2,” we have reviewed our materiality (material issues) based on an adequate understanding of the environment surrounding the company. Mindful of the mission of maintaining LINTEC’s reputation for reliability, which is one of our key material issues, we will endeavor to build good relationships with local communities and continue to be an employer of choice for local residents.Respecting human rights is a basic principle that companies must observe when developing their business and sourcing their materials at home and abroad. Our customers in the semiconductor industry began early on to encourage their suppliers to address this issue by including related items in supplier surveys. They are now increasing their requirements for corporate activities in accordance with various guidelines related to their codes of conduct. In response, the LINTEC Group defined respect for human rights as one of the priority themes of “LSV 2030” and established the LINTEC Group Human Rights Policy in January 2024. Going forward, we will take appropriate steps and make improvements as needed while seeking external advice and support.Fulfilling our responsibility as a manufacturer to serve the interest of customers and local communitiesAchieving a true state of diversity by encouraging an atmosphere of mutual respect among individuals from all walks of lifeEnsuring compliance as exemplary corporate behaviorEncouraging each employee to maximize their potentialIn my view, true diversity in the workplace means different but talented people working together in a natural manner. In accordance with “LSV 2030 – Stage 1,” we have implemented an array of work practice reforms, including extending the mandatory retirement age to 65. In years to come, I hope that diverse personnel will enjoy fair opportunities at LINTEC regardless of age, gender, and other factors and will thrive at work. At the same time, we will strive to create a less stressful environment so that every employee can strive to fulfill their potential, which is vital for the sustainable development of the company. I think it is very important that the company has a diverse workforce and that it engages with its customers and other stakeholders continuously.04
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