▼ Legal News published The compliance guidelines stipulated in this book are shared by all employees of the LINTEC Group, translated, and available in nine languages.Sustainability Management Office, LINTEC CorporationBefore you do something, ask yourself the following questions and be certain that your actions comply with corporate policy. Are you okay if someone did the same to your family member? Do you really believe what you’re doing is right? Do you think it is okay if nobody notices what you did? Can you report it to the company without changing anything? What would you think if you were a third party and saw the action reported in the news?April 2024 (Published)IssuanceNo.No. 57Summary of news from April 2023 to March 2024No. 56Prevent misrepresentation of performance/quality data—Carelessness is inexcusable.No. 55If we receive a large compensation claim from a purchaser of a defective product, what is our liability?FY2023No. 54Corporate governance is every employee’s businessYou gave instructions to your subordinates and were hit with a harassment complaint—What went wrong?No. 53If misconduct by your subordinate results in loss or damage, will you be held liable?No. 52TitleComplianceRaising Awareness with the Compliance GuidelinesThe LINTEC Group has compiled the Compliance Guidelines into a booklet that is published in several languages and distributed to all employees to ensure that each person clearly understands the code of conduct they are required to follow.Risk ManagementGroup-wide BCMSLINTEC CORPORATION and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC. operate the business continuity management system (BCMS). While both companies provide general e-learning, each site actively conducts its own drills and training sessions in accordance with its business content and the characteristics of its location. The operation status of the BCMS at each site is confirmed by internal audit, and employees’ opinions and suggestions for improvement are discussed by the corporate BCMS council and reflected in group-wide initiatives.Information SecurityLINTEC has developed the Information Security Management Rules. The company performs an information security self-audit as part of e-learning programs to help employees to understand more about and become more aware of the importance of information management.Disseminating Legal InformationThe LINTEC Group publishes Legal News on a regular basis to share information on legal affairs with employees. We also run e-learning programs to help solidify their understanding.Surveys on Human Rights and Labor StandardsThe LINTEC Group conducts a survey★ once a year to monitor working conditions and human rights in order to confirm that it is providing a safe and healthy work environment where human rights are properly respected.Risk Identification/Assessment/AnalysisTo enhance its risk management framework, the LINTEC Group has established the Corporate Risk Management Committee, which is comprised of executive general managers and general managers that report directly to the president. The committee holds meetings periodically.Whistleblowing System and Harassment Counseling DeskThe LINTEC Group has a helpline (global whistleblowing system) to enable employees to report, without any disadvantage, any serious legal or ethical violations that they identify. The survey covers a wide range of items, including legal compliance, elimination of discrimination, respect for human rights, underage employee prohibited, prohibition of forced labor, wages, working hours, dialogue and negotiation with employees, safe and healthy working environments, and human resource development and other items.All the committees improve the risk management framework, with the aim of achieving the sustainable growth of the LINTEC Group.We have also established and operate the harassment counseling desk to improve the workplace environment.We will continue this regular survey to understand our current conditions, and improve them.In addition, we hold CSR study sessions using the Compliance Guidelines to help employees understand their legal and ethical obligations and act appropriately.Compliance TestRegarding your planned actions:COMPLIANCE GUIDELINESCOMPLIANCEGUIDELINESLINTEC GROUPLINTEC GROUP33
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