Sustainability Report 2024

srotiduA tnednepednILINTEC Group’s ApproachCorporate Governance SystemCompliance with the Corporate Governance CodeLINTEC complies with the Corporate Governance Code*. Thus far, referencing the code, the company has taken various measures, such as the implementation of PDCA cycles through evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, and the establishment of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. Decision making[Directors]ReportingPromotingOperational implementationGeneral Meeting of ShareholdersCorporate GovernanceThe LINTEC Group regards the basics of corporate governance to be the practice of thoroughgoing compliance, maximum management transparency, awareness of corporate ethics, rapid decision-making, and efficient administration of business operations. The LINTEC Group aims to increase its corporate value and common benefit to shareholders by continually improving its corporate governance.Corporate Governance Code. In light of social circumstances and the progress of its initiatives, top management and outside directors of LINTEC also hold discussions on areas of deficiency to continue the company’s improvement efforts.* Corporate Governance Code: A compilation of key principles set out by the Financial Services Agency and Tokyo Stock Exchange in the form of a code that listed companies in Japan are expected to comply with as a means of enhancing corporate governance.True to its company motto, “Sincerity and Creativity,” the LINTEC Group views compliance and corporate ethics as its most important management themes.The group also recognizes them as the basis of CSR, and is accordingly strengthening its management system.LINTEC will continue to comply with and implement the * Members include outside directorsSustainability Disclosure SubcommitteeEnvironmental CommitteeTCFD SubcommitteeSocial & Governance CommitteeCorporate Ethics SubcommitteeSocial Contribution SubcommitteeDiversity & Work Style ReformPromotion SubcommitteeCorporate Risk Management CommitteeSDGs CommitteeSustainability CommitteeSupervising/instruction/Reporting/consultationrecommending/proposalLegal EducationLINTEC provides management-level legal training for directors and executive officers to promote understanding of corporate legal affairs. For employees, legal training for sales personnel has been offered on an ongoing basis, and legal courses have been incorporated into rank-specific group training for new managers and new supervisors. These training programs are designed to increase employees’ sensitivity to “legal risks” that may lurk in their daily business activities, and to create a corporate culture that enables early detection and response to risks.Appointment/dismissalInstruction/consultationBoard of DirectorsReporting/recommending/proposalPresidentManagement meetings[Directors and executive officers]Operations/Group companiesConsultationCompensation CommitteeAdvice/suggestionIndependent outside directors,representative directors, external expertsAppointment/dismissalAudit andAuditing/supervisingSupervisory CommitteeNomination andCooperationAccount auditingInternal control auditingInternal auditingAudit OfficeDirectors ascommittee membersAppointment/dismissalReportingCooperation32Governance Report

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