Sustainability Report 2024

TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.LINTEC COMMERCE, INC.LINTEC SIGN SYSTEM, INC.SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC.LINTEC CUSTOMER SERVICE, INC.Community SupportSafety and Disaster PreventionEnvironmental PreservationCommunity SupportCommunity SupportIn Japan, a country prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding, it is essential that companies prepare for possible disasters in order to ensure the safety of their employees and continue their business operations. We stockpile emergency supplies and participate in periodic evacuation and fire prevention drills run for the tenants of our building. Evacuation drills provide an opportunity to practice using the specified routes and confirm the procedures to follow in the event of emergency to be able to avoid confusion and give and act on directions properly for safe evacuation. In fire prevention drills, participants practice operating an extinguisher filled with water for training purposes so that they can respond swiftly and efficiently to a fire situation.In 2023, we participated in an exhibition for signage displays held in Osaka in June and Tokyo in October to introduce our environmentally friendly signage graphics products.During the exhibition period, we organized briefings for our user-customers, describing the development status of LINTEC’s environmentally friendly products and running study sessions on new inkjet printing media based on recycled PET and biomass materials.We are also keeping track of market demand related to environmental friendliness so that we can suggest and offer solutions to customers’ requirements effectively.We collected used postage stamps by patiently cutting them off envelopes and sent a package of collected stamps weighing 215 g to the Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative Service (JOCS). The donated stamps will be used to contribute to international medical and health care cooperation. For example, around 5,000 stamps (roughly 1 kg) are worth the equivalent of one year of textbooks for a Tanzanian nursing student. Although postal services are used less and less as society moves closer to becoming paperless, we are encouraging cooperation to continue the activities. Our company name has been placed on a list of partners to JOCS, which can be viewed on its website. In February 2024, we installed a food drive collection box in the company cafeteria as a new social contribution project.By running the food drive, we collect unused foodstuffs that have not yet expired from households and donate them to kodomo shokudo (kids’ café) and families who cannot afford food.Mitsugi IshiiAdministration DepartmentOur company runs an internal PET bottle cap collection campaign to contribute to international medical and health care cooperation. In fiscal 2023, we collected 13,398 caps, or 31.16 kg by weight, and sent them to an organization called Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children. Our donation can pay for polio vaccination of 15.5 children.We also collected used postage stamps and sent them to the Japan International Volunteer Center. The donation will be used to help children living in difficult conditions in areas ravaged by conflicts.PET bottle caps collectedEmergency drillBriefing for usersCollection of used postage stampsCollection box31

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