AACPDCPD1234Stepwise processContinuous improvementActivities to reduce safety and health risks Addressing Occupational Health and Safety IssuesOccupational Safety and HealthActivities to increase the level of safety and healthNever touch a moving rotating machine Culture of safety and health Goal of safety and health activities Constant improvement of the four types of activitiesFour LINTEC Safety PrinciplesOccupational Safety and HealthActivities to manage Cue colleagues during a collaborative tasksafety and healthActivities for the safety of machineryproblems. With a view toward responsible sourcing of minerals, LINTEC conducts rigorous surveys on its supply chains by employing the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) to ensure that the raw materials it uses are free of conflict minerals, while referencing the “Due Diligence Our plants formulate annual safety and health plans and engage in relevant activities. We have established an occupational safety and health management system, and the Safety and Health Committee and the Health Committee hold meetings every month. In addition, employees of eight domestic plants, the Research & Development Division, and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., as well as employees of partner companies who are permanently stationed at these business sites, are subject to internal audits.LINTEC created the program for Creating a Culture of Safety and Health to provide a systematic guide to its safety and health activities. Using this, and based on the Four LINTEC Safety Principles, we will promote the four pillars of safety and health activities.* ISO 45001: An international standard for occupational health and safetySafety and Health PolicyIn 2018, the LINTEC Group established the LINTEC Occupational Safety and Health Policy and revised the LINTEC Occupational Safety and Health Manual in conformity with the ISO 45001* standard.Safety and Health Committee and Health CommitteeEvery month, the LINTEC Group plants in and outside Japan hold Safety and Health Committee meetings, while the Head Office, Bunkyo Kasuga Office, Osaka Branch Office, and other business sites having sales departments convene Health Committee meetings. Each of these meetings are attended by representatives of the labor union.1) Safety in the top priority. 2) Everyone shares the same level of awareness toward safety. 3) Create a culture where everyone can follow the rules easily.1) Prevent occupational accidents (safety) 2) Provide a safe and healthy workplace (security) 3) Stay accident-freeOccupational Safety and HealthFinger pointing and calloutsStop the machine in the event of troubleGuidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas” of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (the OECD Guidance).* Minerals: Metals derived from conflict minerals as defined in the Dodd-Frank Act (U.S. federal law to reform the Matters concerning overall safety and health, including statutory matters, are discussed by the committees, and we make it a rule to seek employee input. Regarding the outcomes of the committee meetings, the head of each site has the responsibility and authority to make the final decision. After Safety and Health Committee and Health Committee meetings conducted at each business site, employees’ opinions submitted at these events are recorded in the proceedings, and relevant information is communicated to all employees.financial system) are tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (3TG). LINTEC added cobalt and mica to the minerals subject to its survey.Annual Safety and Health PlansEach fiscal year, the LINTEC Group formulates annual plans for safety and health activities. The plans indicate top management policies and set priority action items to realize the policies, including safety patrols, risk assessment*, and safety education. More specific activities and targets are set for the priority action items and are reflected in safety and health activities. The results of activities and the progress are reported in the monthly Safety and Health Committee meetings, and all members of the Committee engage in discussions on improvement. By implementing such PDCA cycles that lead to the next round of initiatives, the LINTEC Group continues to step up its safety and health activities.* Risk assessment: Evaluating risks to set safety standards27
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