Sustainability Report 2024

● Counseling by psychological counselor● Referring to provider for three-way interview with supervising doctor● Individual counseling over the InternetSocial Reportestablished a harassment counseling desk in the form of a dedicated hotline staffed by an external service provider. Employees can call the hotline to seek advice from a clinical psychotherapist.activities from multiple perspectives, including respect for human rights, occupational health and safety, information security, and corporate ethics.underage employment prohibited, safety / health, etc.) in the supplier questionnaire survey and ask for improvement when deemed necessary.Cooperating with SuppliersCSR ProcurementLINTEC has established the LINTEC Procurement Policy, the LINTEC Green Procurement Policy, and the LINTEC Lumber Pulp Procurement Policy, all of which are based on CSR. Its procurement activities follow the Policies. Measures against Working Long HoursLINTEC proactively promotes measures to ensure that employees can remain in good health. To prevent long working hours and late-night work, which imposes an excessive physical and mental strain, we strive to ensure appropriate personnel assignment and the proper sharing of workloads, and that supervisors are responsible for managing the overtime of individual subordinates. In particular, we have introduced no-overtime days set in each workplace, flextime programs, and a discretionary labor system. Additionally, in fiscal 2019, we adopted a work interval system and a work-from-home system. Working hours are monitored for all employees, including managers, discretionary workers, and others. We have introduced an attendance management system to enable detailed labor management, following up on daily overtime work applications. In addition, by undergoing a “mental health checkup” once a year, employees are able to assess their own stress levels and use the results for self-management of their mental health.Mental Health MeasuresThe LINTEC Group has introduced a precautionary Employee Assistance Program (EAP)* that provides employees with opportunities to obtain a mental health checkup once a year. Through this checkup, employees understand their own stress level, which is useful for personal mental health management. The manager of each business unit receives the results and analysis for employees in the unit, and takes appropriate improvement measures as needed. The group has also set up an employee support hotline to which employees and their families can personally contact and talk confidentially with a specialist about their worries, including physical and mental health, childcare, nursing care, legal issues, or personal finances. To improve the workplace environment, we have also We request suppliers, on various occasions, to ensure CSR We also confirm our suppliers’ CSR status (legal compliance, Green ProcurementFor procurement with lower environmental impact, the LINTEC Group is ensuring thorough chemical substance management for raw materials, parts, and secondary materials. We conduct investigations into substances contained not only in new materials that we procure for the first time but also in materials that we have continuously procured in order to ensure compliance with new regulations.Responsible Sourcing of MineralsLINTEC recognizes that minerals* extracted in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs) has evolved into a major social issue, as it could fund armed groups and lead to human rights abuses and labor Telephone counselingWeb-based counselingIn-person counselingGeneral information website● Directly managed counseling centers (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya)● Cooperating providers (150 locations in Japan)● Basic mental health information● Mental health self-checks* Precautionary EAP: An employee program that aims to improve productivity through the creation of comfortable workplaces and by focusing on precautions for healthy employees in addition to addressing the concerns of employees who already have a health issueUsersMental consultation network(Web/written)Stress checkConsultation Acceptance CenterReferralReportHealth consultationCooperating counseling provider26

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