Sustainability Report 2024

LINTEC Group’s ApproachRespecting Human Rights and Diversity▼ Usage of Social Contribution Leave Program FY202115(Total days of 23)FY2022FY2023—0015(Total days of 19.5)20★(Total days of 28)to adhere to the Human Rights Policy and act according to the LINTEC Group Code of Conduct and the LINTEC Group Compliance Guidelines. By ensuring the above, the LINTEC Group respects the human rights of all people involved in the global development of its business activities.Formulation of Human Rights PolicyLINTEC Group hereby establishes the “LINTEC Group Human Rights Policy” (hereafter called “the Policy”) based on the “UN International Bill of Human Rights,” the “Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact,” the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” and the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.”Respect for Human Rights in Labor Management and EducationThe LINTEC Group believes that compliance forms a foundation for its activities and thoroughly adheres to both social rules and relevant laws and regulations in and outside Japan. This also applies to the recruitment and treatment of employees. Labor management is performed in accordance with relevant laws. Unfair discrimination, child labor, and harassment are prohibited.Increasing Career Development Opportunities for Female EmployeesLINTEC has worked to increase career development opportunities for female employees following the action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (Phase 2). As a new goal for the period from April 2022 to March 31, 2026, LINTEC formulated the action plan (Phase 3) based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace. Under this action plan, we will ensure and expand diversity.The LINTEC Group’s business is supported by numerous stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and investors, and local communities. Below is a report on LINTEC Group’s initiatives aimed at the sustainable development of the world and the company.All officers and employees of the LINTEC Group are required LINTEC incorporates human rights education into its rank-based training programs. The company provides training on the UN Global Compact and CSR for new employees and training on prevention of sexual harassment and workplace bullying for newly appointed supervisors and managers.Job Return Program and Career Return ProgramLINTEC operates a job return program to re-hire employees who have earlier resigned due to personal circumstances, such as having a child, providing care to family members, or a spouse’s job transfer, as industry-ready professionals. In October 2022, as a new initiative to support diverse workstyles, the company introduced a career return program to re-hire employees who resigned due to personal circumstances for career development outside the company, such as job change or studying abroad, as industry-ready professionals.Employment of Older PersonIn line with the revision of the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, LINTEC revised its rules on re-employment after retirement to allow re-employment of employees aged between 65 and 70 years. In addition, the age 65 retirement rule was introduced in fiscal 2023. The re-hired workers are playing active roles in various workplaces, and passing on the knowledge and skills that they have developed over many years to subsequent generations.Social Contribution Leave ProgramLINTEC established the social contribution leave (volunteer leave) program in fiscal 2022.Social Contribution Leave*1 (persons) Social Contribution Time off*2 (persons)*1 To be used for participating in social contribution activities, chiefly to support disaster restoration and overseas cooperation, over a period of time approved by the company (up to one year).*2 To be used for participating in social contribution activities such local cooperation and volunteer work that are approved by the company.Organization covered: LINTEC CORPORATION24Social Report

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