▼ Amount of industrial waste discharged from products using plastic▼ Effective utilization of wasteEnvironmental Reportafter conducting evaluations based on priority area identifications as required by TNFD* (v0.4). We have established the concept of * TNFD: Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure.FY2021FY202230.827. of a Recycling-oriented SocietyBiodiversity Conservation InitiativesFY202325.6LINTEC CORPORATION*7.3LINTEC COMMERCE, INC.7.9LINTEC SIGN SYSTEM, INC.10.4SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC.6.6LINTEC SERVICES, INC. 3.7LINTEC CUSTOMER SERVICE, INC.3.6TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.0.121.8EmissionsFY20233,4137.149.784.61.5102.0Waste dischargeEffective Internal utilization*1Sale of valuable materials*2Total waste output Effective external utilization*3IncinerationVolume reduction, heat useFinal landfill disposalWaste recycled (*1*2*3 total)We have started biodiversity initiatives at Kumagaya Plant, five zones (forest creation, grassland creation, conservation-type planting, landscape planting, and water areas), and are promoting activities.In addition, each plant prepared a list of candidate native species for planting in the local area, and selected and planted trees from the available species (coniferous trees, evergreen trees, etc.).Response to the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for PlasticsIn accordance with the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics that came into effect in April 2022, we have developed necessary education and training programs and management systems and set targets for reducing waste generation and promoting recycling. We are also collecting relevant data from LINTEC and its group companies in Japan and disclosing the data in a compiled form.0Reduce Waste and Use it EffectivelyLINTEC is making efforts to achieve a zero landfill disposal rate* in Japan. Specifically, we identify the disposal method of each disposal firm (material recycling, thermal recycling, landfilling) and search for firms that promote the effective use of materials that would otherwise be disposed of as waste. We are also encouraging a switch to recyclable raw materials and finer classification of waste.* Zero landfill disposal rate: LINTEC’s standard is a final landfill disposal rate (= Final landfill disposal amount/Activities at Plants in Japan Upholding biodiversity conservation in the LINTEC Group Quality, Environmental and Business Continuity Policy, the LINTEC Group accordingly conducts biodiversity conservation activities in and outside of Japan.Amount of waste generated × 100) of 1% or less.Organizations covered: LINTEC CORPORATION (Head Office and plants), the Research Center, TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.Kumagaya Plant: Activities to protect endangered species Mishima Plant: Planting native species (Japanese camellia)(1,000 tons)* Organizations covered: The Head Office, Agatsuma Plant, Kumagaya Plant, the Ina Technology Center, the Research Center, Chiba Plant, Tatsuno Plant, Shingu Plant, Mishima Plant (Doi Plant), Komatsushima Plant, Sapporo Branch Office, Sendai Branch Office, Hokuriku Branch Office, Bunkyo Kasuga Office, Shizuoka Branch Office, Nagoya Branch Office, Osaka Branch Office, Shikoku Branch Office, Hiroshima Branch Office, Fukuoka Branch Office, Kumamoto Office, TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.Chiba Plant: Activities to protect local native species (Left: Japanese yew / Right: Japanese black pine)(Tons)22
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