▼ Scope 3 (In Japan)▼ Calculation method by category▼ Major opportunities identified and measures implemented in fiscal 20230*1—*2Category itemScope(1)(1)(2)(2)(3)(4)(4)(2)N/AN/A(1)FY2023581,46238,72232,23028,98343,7304761,59754,850782,050Response to TCFD RecommendationsUp to fiscal 2022, we identified and reviewed risks and opportunities posed by climate change to our business in Japan for the two timeframes of up to 2030 (medium-term) and up to 2050 (long-term), and conducted scenario analyses on an equivalent basis. In fiscal 2023, we expanded the scope of this activity to include some Category 1Purchased Goods and ServicesCategory 2Capital GoodsCategory 3Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2Category 4Transportation and Distribution (Upstream)Category 5Waste Generated in OperationsCategory 6Business TravelCategory 7Employee CommutingCategory 9Transportation and Distribution (Downstream)Category 10Processing of Sold ProductsCategory 11Use of Sold ProductsCategory 12End-of-Life Treatment of Sold ProductsTotal Scope 3 emissionsCategory 1The value and amount of each purchased raw material or service multiplied by an emissions factorCategory 2The amount of capital investment multiplied by an emissions factorCategory 3GHG emissions associated with the production of purchased fuel, electricity, steam, etc. and their annual volume of purchase multiplied by an emissions factor for each fuelCategory 4Targeting domestic logistics, the weight of purchased raw materials multiplied by an emissions factorCategory 5The amount of waste by type discharged from production sites multiplied by an emissions factorCategory 6The number of employees multiplied by an emissions factorCategory 7The number of employees in each region and their number of days of attendance multiplied by an emissions factorCategory 12The purchase quantity by type of material less the portion disposed of, multiplied by an emission factors for each typeScenarioAverage rise in global temperature limited to below 2°C compared with pre-industrial levelsMajor opportunities Gain support from stakeholders for promoting measures to create a carbon-free world and recycling-oriented societyMeasuresDevelop global promotion activities for environmentally friendly products to gain more widespread understanding and support from stakeholdersof our overseas operations (China, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia) and worked together with personnel from the relevant overseas group companies to identify risks and opportunities at each location.Going forward, we will further expand the scope, looking to facilitate group-wide activities to tackle climate change.—The guidelines below were used for the calculation. We will continue to improve calculation accuracy.• Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions – Supplement to the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting &Reporting Standard (GHG protocol (WRI/WBCSD))• Database of emissions unit values for accounting of greenhouse gas emissions, etc., by organizations throughout the supply chain (Ver. 3.1) (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)• (1) LINTEC CORPORATION(2) LINTEC CORPORATION, SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC., TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.(3) Agatsuma Plant, Kumagaya Plant, Chiba Plant, Tatsuno Plant, Shingu Plant, Komatsushima Plant, Mishima Plant, Doi Plant, the Head Office and Ina Technology Center of LINTEC COPORATION, TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.(4) LINTEC CORPORATION, LINTEC COMMERCE, INC., LINTEC SIGN SYSTEM, INC., PRINTEC, INC., SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC., LINTEC SERVICES, INC., LINTEC CUSTOMER SERVICE, INC., TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.*1 Included in Category 4, as the cost of transportation of products is basically borne by our company.*2 Categories 8, 13, 14, and 15 are not applicable for calculation. “-” indicates that the item is applicable but not calculated because calculation is technically difficult.IDEA Ver.3.1 (for calculation of supply chain greenhouse gas emissions)(t-CO2)19
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