Sustainability Report 2024

▼ CO2 emissions reduction target (after revision)FY2026Reduction Reduction targettargetOverseasFY20292050LINTEC Group’s Approach▼ Scope 1, 2Japan▼ Group’s Roadmap for Reducing CO2 Emissions1881.660.348.6Climate Change Mitigation and AdaptationFY2013FY2023112,200 90,486 202,686201320231,772 3,189 4,961 2,969 1,751 4,720 2,505 3,835 6,340 1,088 3,714 4,802 2,691 6,524 9,215 2,065 5,046 7,111 ———1,461 3,437 4,898 ——43,679——6,488——92,214286 2,326 2,611 69 2,480 2,549 2,499 3,830 6,329 276 4,165 4,441 1,289 2,878 4,167 887 1,333 2,220 8571,2182,0752,272 3,439 5,711 12,258 11,286 23,544 9944,4565,45020,829 36,192 57,021 Initiatives for Reducing CO2 EmissionsThe LINTEC Group is striving to reduce CO2 emissions with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. In FY2023, the group was able to reduce emissions by 51.4% compared to FY2013 levels, achieving the initial target of a 50% or more reduction ahead of schedule. We have begun to work on calculation for Scope 3*1 emissions while continuing with efforts to reduce Scope 1*2 and 2*3 emissions.Scope 1Scope 2J-CreditGreen heat certificateCalculated emissions50%2014/3(FY2013)2020/32021/30The LINTEC Group aims to achieve harmony between its corporate activities and the global environment. We are promoting various initiatives under the slogan “The Earth is one, so let’s strive for a comfortable environment from a broad perspective.”10074.470.0Final year of Stage 270,661★ 28,084★ 12,000★ 383★86,362 LINTEC (SUZHOU) TECH CORPORATIONLINTEC SPECIALITY FILMS (TAIWAN), INC.LINTEC KOREA, INC.LINTEC SPECIALITY FILMS (KOREA), INC.PT. LINTEC INDONESIALINTEC INDUSTRIES (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.LINTEC (THAILAND) CO., LTD.MADICO, INC.MACTAC AMERICAS, LLCOthers*TotalFinal year of Stage 3Scope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalScope 1Scope 2TotalReduction Reduction targettargetCarbonneutral*1: Scope 3: While Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are generated by the reporting company, Scope 3 GHG emissions are generated by other companies in the reporting company’s value chain.*2: Scope 1: Direct CO2 or other greenhouse gas emissions from the consumption of purchased gas and liquid fuels, such as liquid natural gas (LNG), liquid petroleum gas (LPG), utility gas, kerosene, light oil, and gasoline.*3: Scope 2: CO2 or other greenhouse gas emissions generated by other companies in the production of energy, such as electricity and steam, purchased by the reporting company.Organizations covered: LINTEC CORPORTION, TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC., and LINTEC SERVICES, INC.100%(FY2013 level = 100%)2022/32023/32024/3(Year/Month)(t-CO2)* Others: LINTEC PRINTING & TECHNOLOGY (TIANJIN) CORPORATION; LINTEC ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES (TAIWAN), INC.; LINTEC INDUSTRIES (SARAWAK) SDN. BHD.; VDI LLC; and sales sitesNote: Above targets set for Scope 1 and 2 emissions Reduction target: Compared to fiscal 2013 levels(t-CO2)Environmental Report67% or more67% or more75% or more75% or more

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