Sustainability Report 2024

Reporting PolicyPublication DateOctober 2024Guidelines ReferencedSustainability Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2012/2018) of the Ministry of the Environment of JapanEnvironmental Accounting Guidelines (2005) of the Ministry of the Environment of JapanISO 26000 (Guidance on social responsibility)Reporting PeriodThis report covers the period from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024 (fiscal 2023).It also includes some information up through June 30, 2024 concerning specific initiatives.Environmental data for group companies outside Japan covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.The foundation of the LINTEC Group’s CSR is its company motto, “Sincerity and Creativity.” These are the ideals that everyone in the group aspires to.“Sincerity” means thinking about what can be done that will be of benefit and appreciated and tackling every task with all one’s heart.“Creativity” means working constantly to innovate and improve, seeking greater added value without being satisfied with the status quo.Showing integrity to all stakeholders and taking on new challenges over and over again with a determination to innovate is the starting point for a manufacturer who is dedicated to craftsmanship.“Start with Sincerity and then apply Creativity” This is LINTEC’s unchanging approach and the driving force that underpins its sustainable growth.The LINTEC Group follows the company motto of “Sincerity and Creativity” when conducting its corporate activities. This report describes our performance in the area of sustainability. The report selectively discloses information that is particularly important both for our stakeholders and the LINTEC Group. For more detailed information, please refer to “Main Channels for Sustainability Information” on page 35.Company MottoLINTEC Group Code of ConductSincerity at the LINTEC Group1 Respect for human rights2 Management and utilization of company assets3 Prohibition of acts involving conflicts of interest4 Anti-corruption5 Compliance with domestic and international law6 Fair and transparent transactions7 Prohibition of Bribery of Regulatory Bodies and Governments8 Policy on anti-social forcesCreativity at the LINTEC Group9 Sustainable manufacturing and service operations10 Enhancement of customer satisfaction11 Symbiosis with the global environment12 Sound workplace environment13 Challenge for Creativity14 Social contribution activities15 Building a relationship of trust with societySincerity and Creativity

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