Sustainability Report 2024

▼ Materiality and KPIsWork to solve social issues through business activities• Help shape a carbon-free world• Respect human rights of all stakeholders• Enhance governance and risk managementFoster innovation to build a robust corporate structure and promote sustainable growth• Create market-leading innovative new products and businesses• Reform development, manufacturing, transportation, operations, and other processes to improve profitability• Protect and utilize intellectual propertyFulfill responsibilities associated with the environment, society, and customers• Reduce impact on natural ecosystems• Increase development of environmentally friendly products• Provide and stably supply safe and high-quality productsDevelop and secure human resources for the future• Respect human rights in general and the rights of employees• Improve human capital and create an honest and open organizational culture• Promote occupational health and safetyMaintain LINTEC’s favorable reputation• Ensure transparent information disclosure and reinforce stakeholder communication• Ensure compliance and fair business practices• Promote responsible procurement and strengthen supply chains• Enhance information securityMaterialityKPIs• Reduction in CO2 emissions relative to FY2013 levels [reduction of 67% or more by March 2027, 75% or more by March 2030, and achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050]• Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions• Non-fossil energy ratio• Implementation of CSR study sessions for such purposes as raising employee awareness and understanding of the Human Rights Policy• Number of themes adopted by the Corporate Risk Management Committee for deliberation• Total hours of discussion at high-levels meetings (meetings of the Business Deliberation Council, Nomination and Compensation Committee, and Sustainability Committee)• Target percentage of new product sales to total sales [27% by March 2027] (At least 30% by March 2030)• Number of products developed• Number of development projects with external institutions• Number of LDX 2030 transformation themes implemented out of seven• Number of patent applications/patents held• Increase in the use of solvent-free release agents and adhesive agents [(1) Percentage of solvent-free release agents and adhesive agents used: 75% by 2030] [(2) Complete shift to solvent-free release paper by 2030 (all release paper produced at Kumagaya and Mishima plants, except specialty products)]• Percentage of forest-certified paper and pulp used• Landfill disposal rate [1% or less]• Implementation of our release paper recycling system• Number of environmentally friendly products developed• Percentage of quality incidents• Percentage of female managers/supervisors (Subsection Manager/Assistant Project Manager) [10%]• Percentage of female among the total number of new hires (graduates from a junior college/university/graduate school) [35% or more] • Percentage of persons with disabilities in the total number of employees [FY2026: 2.7%] • Number of participants in correspondence training programs• Occupational accidents frequency rate• Occupational accident severity rate• Number of plants having no accidents in a year• Number of violations of occupational health and safety laws and regulations• Number of individual meetings held with institutional investors and analysts • Number of briefings held to explain financial results and for investor relations and total number of participants• Number of legal training programs provided and total number of participants (including archive viewers)• Periodic publication of Legal News (6 times a year) and total number of views (including number of emails sent)• Number of responses to CSR survey• Response rate of raw material supplier survey• Implementation of self-checks once a year based on the Information Security Operational Rules and Internal Audit Checklist• Implementation of e-learning information security self-audit once a year17

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