Reviewing Materiality and KPIsLINTEC’s MaterialityEstablishment of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)Toward Realizing LSV 2030Our finalized materiality is as follows:• Work to solve social issues through business activities • Foster innovation to build a robust corporate structure and drive sustainable growth• Fulfill responsibilities associated with the environment, society, and customers• Develop and secure human resources for the future• Maintain LINTEC’s favorable reputationWe have established key performance indicators (KPIs) for the finalized materiality to keep track of the progress of planned measures. The KPIs are aligned with initiatives taken by each department and are based on effective measures for achieving the materiality.(For the details, see the right.)The revised materiality is linked with the Basic Policy of our long-term vision, “LSV 2030,” as well as with our medium-term business plan, “LSV 2030 – Stage 2,” which provides a specific pathway toward achieving the vision. The KPIs are also instrumental in helping us check the progress of measures being taken to achieve the vision.Amid the current situation in which our stakeholder base is expanding and diversifying in step with the recent globalization of our business and in circumstances where social, environmental, and other sustainability issues are constantly changing, going forward we will identify, analyze, and examine such changes periodically and review our materiality and KPIs accordingly while ensuring that they continue to meet stakeholder expectations.16
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