Sustainability Report 2024

ytilairetam fo noitazilaniFdedivorp seussi ytilibanatsus larenegot ecnerefeRstroper suoirav dna sen i i jiiledug roamnMateriality Identification ProcessAnalysis of impact/extraction of issuesConsolidation of issuesConsolidation of issuesAssessment of the level of significance of impactsOur impact on society and the environmentImpact of sustainability issues on our financial performanceWe have identified our materiality by following a four-step process: (1) analysis of impact of and extraction of sustainability issues; (2) consolidation; (3) assessment of the level of significance of impacts (our impact on society and the environment, and impact of sustainability issues on our financial performance); (4) identification and finalization of materiality.(1) Analysis of impact of and extraction of sustainability issuesIn the first step of the process, four different analyses (value chain analysis, stakeholder analysis, megatrend analysis, and corporate management and business analysis) were performed to assess impacts of sustainability issues. As a result, 209 issues representing a wide range of perspectives were extracted.(2) ConsolidationSince the issues were extracted through four different analyses conducted separately, some of them overlapped or were largely the same. We therefore consolidated the 209 identified issues into 35 distinct issues.(3) Assessment of the level of significance of impacts (our impact on society and the environment, and impact of sustainability issues on our financial performance)(4) Identification and finalization of materialityAfter identifying sustainability issues with significant impacts on society and the environment as well as on our own financial performance, we further consolidated related issues and finalized our materiality, which comprises five key issues.Value chain analysisStakeholder analysisMegatrend analysisCorporate management and business analysisPrior to finalizing our materiality, for each of the 35 consolidated issues we assessed the significance of both our impact on society and the environment and the impact of each issue on our own financial performance.For our impact on society and the environment, we examined the magnitude of the impact and the likelihood of occurrence of each issue to determine the significance. For the impact of the issues on our financial performance, we assessed the level of significance by examining risks (impact on our financial performance that may occur if we fail to address the issue) and business opportunities (benefit for our revenue development that we may gain by addressing the issue).Analysis performed to assess our sustainability impact at each level of the value chain from raw material procurement to sale, use, and disposal/recycling of products in each business segment with the aim of extracting key issuesAnalysis of our employees, customers, business partners, and shareholders and investors, as well as of society and the economy, to identify stakeholder interests, problems, and expectations with the aim of extracting key issuesAnalysis of climate change, loss of natural ecosystems, demographic and age composition, resources and energy, technology, and other trends to examine their changes and impacts on our business with the aim of extracting issues that need to be addressed to fulfill the group’s social roleAnalysis of our Corporate Motto and Mission Statement, messages from the President, code of conduct, various policies, LSV 2030, presentation materials from financial results briefings, and other corporate management information with the aim of extracting existing and possible future issues(response to climate change)Value chain analysis (research)28 issuesStakeholder analysis (research)18 issuesMegatrend analysis (research)Corporate management and business analysis (research)16 issues147 issues209 issues35 issuesIssues with significant impacts both ways are determined to be material.15

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