● Organizational governance● Fair business activitiesssenisub llarevOtnemnorivnEyteicoSecnanrevoG● Percentage of developed products in sales ● Strengthening of corporate structure through ● Reduction in CO2 emissions ● Landfill waste disposal rate [1% or less]● Response to climate change● Realization of a recycling-oriented world● Sustainable procurement of raw materials● Preservation of biodiversity● Number of consultations regarding harassment● Occupational accident frequency rate● Occupational accident severity rate● Human rights due diligence● Ensuring occupational health and safety● Promotion of diversity● Promotion of work style reform initiatives● Number of responses to CSR survey● Comprehensive customer-first approach● Improvement in terms of quality, cost, and ● Attendance at Board of Directors meetingsContribution through businessContribution to a sustainable global environmentRespect for human rightsEnhanced value chain managementBetter communication with stakeholdersPromotion of governance across the entire Groupinnovationbusinesses for sustainable growthcustomer satisfactioncommunitiesIn order to contribute to the realization of a sustainability world, the LINTEC Group has identified priority issues as materiality, and has also established evaluation indicators (KPIs)* to monitor its progress.MaterialityIssues to work on● Creation of new products and ● Harmonious co-existence with local [20% by 2030][Reduce group-wide emissions by 50% or more from 2013 levels by 2030][At least 10%]KPI Key items (Bracketed figures below indicate target values)● Number of patent applications/patents held● Response rate of raw material supplier survey● Percentage of female employees● Percentage of childcare leave taken by male employees ● Percentage of quality incidents● Number of site tours offered ● Attendance at Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings● Periodic publication of Legal News [At least 6 times a year] * Key performance indicators (KPIs): KPIs are important indicators related to organizational strategies and are set to quantitatively measure progress toward targets.12Materiality and KPIs (FY2023 Result)
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