Sustainability Promotion SystemTCFD SubcommitteeThe TCFD Subcommittee identifies risks and opportunities associated with climate change based on the TCFD recommendations, manages risks identified, develops strategies to seize relevant opportunities, assesses financial impacts, and discloses related information. In fiscal 2023, expanding the scope of the target to include overseas group companies (in China, South Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia), the subcommittee identified risks and opportunities for these companies and considered measures for them to take. It is also examining matters relating to LCA* calculations and the Scope 3 emissions reduction plan in preparation for the disclosure of plans for the transition to a low-carbon economy.* Life cycle assessment (LCA): A method for comprehensively assessing environmental effects by calculating items such as the amount of energy and water inputs, the amount of raw materials used, and the amount of CO2 and hazardous chemical substances emitted throughout the life cycle of a product.Corporate Ethics SubcommitteeThe Corporate Ethics Subcommittee engages in activities to promote corporate ethics and share necessary information to ensure that the concept is adequately practiced and understood at an individual level. Major activities carried out were publishing the Rinri Kawaraban (internal newsletter on ethics), creation of ethics Environmental CommitteeThe Environmental Committee conducts activities to achieve LSV 2030 based on the LINTEC Green Plan, formulated on the environmental issues of climate change, the circular economy, and co-existence with nature for the development of a sustainable world. In fiscal 2023, the committee carried out the following activities. Regarding climate change, to help the LINTEC Group achieve the target of cutting CO2 emissions by 50% or more by 2030 (compared to fiscal 2013 levels), it managed the progress of the plan. As a result of capital investment made ahead of schedule and directed more broadly, the introduction of green electricity, and other measures, the target was achieved, with a 51.4% reduction in emissions recorded. In the area of the circular economy, the committee promoted 3Rs activities. For co-existence with nature, it conducted measures to address biodiversity issues at plants in Japan and provided internal education (e-learning) on biodiversity conservation.Social & Governance CommitteeThe Social & Governance Committee is responsible for the ESG areas of society (S) and governance (G). It engages in policy formulation, planning and execution of relevant measures, and monitoring of the company’s implementation of measures related to the two areas. In fiscal 2023, the committee formulated the group’s human rights policy (established on January 1, 2024). The policy is a written expression of the company’s long-held principle that human rights must be respected based on its recognition of human rights as a crucial issue related to the core of its corporate value. The policy is made available to various stakeholders, including not only all officers and employees but also suppliers and other business partners, and the committee is asking all relevant parties to comply with the policy. awareness posters, and presenting examples of ethics-related cases from other companies with attached commentary to provide a learning opportunity.Social Contribution SubcommitteeThe Social Contribution Subcommittee aims to help the LINTEC Group act as a good corporate citizen within its local communities and the global community by promoting realistic activities that will contribute to the sustainable development of society. Major activities—namely, inviting people with disabilities to a baseball game and holding the Fureai Concert—were carried out in Itabashi City. The subcommittee also raised money from employees of LINTEC and its group companies for the Japanese Red Cross Society’s appeal for victims of by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.Diversity & Work Style Reform Promotion SubcommitteeThe Diversity & Work Style Reform Promotion Subcommittee promotes activities related to diversity and work practices. It focuses on identifying needs, ensuring effective implementation of measures and programs, and providing education. The subcommittee discussed a range of subjects, such as employee surveys, teleworking, improving work-life balance, promoting diversity, and human resources development. It thereby confirmed the progress of the implementation of measures and programs and considered needs for revision.A number of opportunities were provided to hear from guest speakers with expertise on the SDGs and business model building and to view presentations by employees engaged in the launch of new businesses and products. Following these sessions, participants delved into social issues and explored solutions in greater depth through discussion with an eye to the creation of new business ideas.SDGs CommitteeAiming to contribute to solving various social issues through mainstay business activities, the SDGs Committee recruits members from across the company to perform tasks aimed at enhancing understanding of the SDGs and creating new business ideas.Corporate Risk Management CommitteeThe Corporate Risk Management Committee identifies risks and opportunities associated with overall business operations, formulates policies to deal with them, and plans and verifies worksite-level measures. In fiscal 2023, the committee discussed geopolitical themes and examine potential future risks in terms of methods of impact assessment, identification, and countermeasures. 10
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