Sustainability Report 2024

Sustainability Promotion SystemSustainability CommitteeThe Sustainability Committee develops a basic policy and plans measures for sustainability management promotion, conducts a progress review and monitoring of measures taken by subordinate committees and subcommittees, and provides instructions for improvement.Sustainability Disclosure SubcommitteeThe Sustainability Disclosure Subcommittee makes efforts for prompt and effective information disclosure to stakeholders using various timely disclosure materials, PR magazines, and websites. It also examines the method of collecting and communicating sustainability information and the contents of the integrated report, while responding to surveys conducted by external evaluation organizations and providing feedback on evaluation results to top management. In fiscal 2023, the subcommittee held four meetings and carried out surveys and shared information on revisions in disclosure-related systems, particularly watching the moves of the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ), which develops sustainability disclosure standards to be applied in Japan.At the LINTEC Group, the company motto of “Sincerity and Creativity” is at the heart of all members and is the starting point of their activities to promote sustainability. We have established a sustainability promotion system centering on the Sustainability Committee. The committee is chaired by a representative director and its membership consists of all outside directors. The Sustainable Committee operates a number of subcommittees tasked with oversight of ESG, responding to the SDGs, risk management, and others.Major items on the agenda in fiscal 2023 were measures for reducing CO2 emissions and addressing biodiversity issues. Among other items were the revision of materiality, KPIs, and the Compliance Guidelines in line with the Stage 2 plan and review of results of the employee survey and action plans. Establishment of environmental policy and the planning and execution of measuresEnvironmental CommitteeTCFD SubcommitteeEstablishment of social and governance policy and the planning and execution of measuresSocial & Governance CommitteeCorporate Ethics SubcommitteeSustainability Disclosure SubcommitteeSustainability CommitteeCorporate Risk Management Social Contribution SubcommitteeComprehension of Group-wide risks and opportunities and establishment of policies to respond to themSustainability Committee Secretariat(Sustainability Management Office)CommitteeDiversity & Work Style Reform Promotion SubcommitteeEstablishment of basic policy for sustainability management and the planning and verification of measuresConsideration of new products and businesses that solve issuesSDGs CommitteeAs of April 1, 202409Sustainability Promotion System

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