Surface improvementAdhesive applicationsCompany MottoSpecialty papers and developmentrelease materials productionSystem The LINTEC Group supports and practices the “Ten Principles” of the United Nations Global Compact, with a special focus on the protection of human rights, elimination of unlawful forms of labor, preservation of the environment, and anti-corruption.All officers and employees of the LINTEC Group are required to adhere to the LINTEC Group Code of Conduct and commit to contributing to the realization of a sustainable world while bearing firmly in mind the company motto, “Sincerity and Creativity.”MarketneedsSocialissues08Concept of SustainabilitySustainable worldSincerity and CreativityMission StatementLINTEC WAYCompliance GuidelinesFour core technologiesThe LINTEC Group is committed to contributing to realizing a sustainable world through practicing the Ccompany’s motto.
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