- Sustainability
- Materiality and KPIs
- Small
- Large
Materiality and KPIs
The LINTEC Group identifies priority issues to be addressed in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable world as materiality, and has also established key performance indicators (KPIs) to check the progress of its efforts.
- * Key performance indicators (KPIs): KPIs are important indicators related to organizational strategies, and quantitatively measure progress toward targets.
- Note: Go to the Investor Relations page.
"LSV 2030 - Stage 1"
The following are the materiality and KPIs set for “LSV 2030 - Stage 1.”

"LSV 2030 - Stage 2"
Materiality and KPIs were revised to align with the new medium-term management plan, “LSV 2030 - Stage 2.” To finalize the recent revision, we applied the concept of double materiality*.
In addition, the CO2 emissions reduction targets aimed at realizing a carbon-free world were revised as the previous target of a 50% or more reduction by 2030 compared to FY2013 levels was achieved ahead of schedule as a result of the intense acceleration of the implementation of measures. The revised targets are 67% or more set for Stage 2 and 75% or more for Stage 3.
- *Double materiality: The identification of material issues related to sustainability using different criteria for assessing two types of impact: impact of business on society and the environment; and financial impact of sustainability issues
Work to solve social issues through business activities
- Help shape a carbon-free world
- Respect human rights of all stakeholders
- Enhance governance and risk management
Foster innovation to build a robust corporate structure and promote sustainable growth
- Create market-leading innovative new products and businesses
- Reform development, manufacturing, transportation, operations, and other processes to improve profitability
- Protect and utilize intellectual property
Fulfill responsibilities associated with the environment, society, and customers
- Reduce impact on natural ecosystems
- Increase development of environmentally friendly products
- Provide and stably supply safe and high-quality products
Develop and secure human resources for the future
- Respect human rights in general and the rights of employees
- Improve human capital and create an honest and open organizational culture
- Promote occupational health and safety
Maintain LINTEC’s favorable reputation
- Ensure transparent information disclosure and reinforce stakeholder communication
- Ensure compliance and fair business practices
- Promote responsible procurement and strengthen supply chains
- Enhance information security