- Sustainability
- Governance Report
- Corporate Governance
- Small
- Large
Corporate Governance
The LINTEC Group regards the basics of corporate governance to be the practice of thoroughgoing compliance, maximum management transparency, awareness of corporate ethics, rapid decision-making, and efficient administration of business operations. The LINTEC Group aims to increase its corporate value and common benefit to shareholders by continually improving its corporate governance.
- Note: Go to the Investor Relations page.
Compliance with the Corporate Governance Code
LINTEC complies with the Corporate Governance Code*. Thus far, referencing the code, the company has taken various measures, such as the implementation of PDCA cycles through evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, and the establishment of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. LINTEC will continue to comply with and implement the Corporate Governance Code. In light of social circumstances and the progress of its initiatives, top management and outside directors of LINTEC also hold discussions on areas of deficiency to continue the company’s improvement efforts.
- *Corporate Governance Code: A compilation of key principles set out by the Financial Services Agency and Tokyo Stock Exchange in the form of a code that listed companies in Japan are expected to comply with as a means of enhancing corporate governance.
Legal Education
LINTEC provides management-level legal training for directors and executive officers to promote understanding of corporate legal affairs.
For employees, legal training for sales personnel has been offered on an ongoing basis, and legal courses have been incorporated into rank-specific group training for new managers and new supervisors. These training programs are designed to increase employees’ sensitivity to “legal risks” that may lurk in their daily business activities, and to create a corporate culture that enables early detection and response to risks.
Message from Outside Director
In my view, LINTEC’s sustainability initiatives are largely characterized by three things: the creation of a long-term vision that covers the period from fiscal 2021 to 2029 (LSV 2030); the expression of its commitment to ESG issues as a fundamental corporate management theme; and the persistence of top management in communicating the commitment. What is particularly unique to the company is that unlike many companies that formulate three-year medium-term management plans containing sustainability initiatives, LINTEC has set a vision for the company for 10 years into the future in addition to its medium-term views. Looking ahead to that time, the company has decided to prepare three three-year milestone plans in such a way as to strike a balance between sustainable business growth and corporate social responsibility. The overall framework for the period from fiscal 2021 to 2029 is covered by the long-term vision LSV 2030 as well as the three sequential medium-term Stage plans—a structure that in and of itself serves well to publicize the company’s management approach.
What I think is also unique is that all outside directors are asked to serve on the Sustainability Committee. The idea is to bring in external perspectives in order to promote ESG initiatives. For “environmental” issues, outsiders will look primarily at the progress of initiatives and the awareness of insiders. Regarding the “social” and “governance” agenda, which are composed of a long list of items that are often unsuitable for objective numerical evaluation, outside directors will offer diverse suggestions and opinions based on their respective backgrounds.
As a lawyer dealing with various legal issues faced by many companies, I have recently had an increasing number of opportunities to offer comments on sustainability initiatives developed by companies in the capacity of external legal counsel. At the same time, serving several companies as an outside director, I have also begun to undertake similar tasks from the company perspective. To promote sustainability management successfully, you need to execute the established cyclical process for the long term in a stable and ongoing manner, starting with setting goals and planning and then following through with implementation, analysis of gaps between goals and implementation progress, and correction of goals based on gap analysis (as needed). LSV 2030 - Stage 2 appears to be largely concerned with implementation and analysis. I will express my opinions to help the company perform the cyclical process effectively, based on the knowledge I have developed as external legal counsel and the experience I have gained while serving other companies as an outside director.

Outside Director
1998: Certified as an attorney and joined Kajitani Law Offices
2005: Admitted to practice law in the State of New York, U.S.
2015: Outside Director and Audit & Supervisory Committee Member of the company (current)
Member of the Sustainability Committee and the Nomination and Compensation Committee