- Sustainability
- Governance Report
- Compliance
- Small
- Large
All officers and employees of the LINTEC Group follow the company motto of “Sincerity and Creativity,” and to help them practice it properly, the LINTEC Group Compliance Guidelines have been established. We will comply with the guidelines and act accordingly with high standards of ethics and an adequate sense of social morality.
Respect for Human Rights
In accordance with its human rights policy, the LINTEC Group respects the human rights of all people involved in the global development of its business activities.
The LINTEC Group conducts a survey★ once a year to monitor
working conditions and human rights in order to confirm that it is providing a safe and
healthy work environment where human rights are properly respected.
The survey covers a wide range of items, including legal compliance, elimination of
discrimination, respect for human rights, underage employee prohibited, prohibition of
forced labor, wages, working hours, dialogue and negotiation with employees, safe and
healthy working environments, and human resource development and other items.
We will continue this regular survey to understand our current conditions, and improve
Fair and Transparent Transactions
The LINTEC Group considers all its suppliers to be its partners. Seeking to grow with them, it makes efforts to build relationships with its suppliers that are based on trust. In line with this policy, we have published a Manual for Compliance with the Antitrust Law and the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors and have included in the Compliance Guidelines descriptions regarding the importance of compliance with the applicable laws and regulations of each country as a way of raising the awareness of employees.
The LINTEC Group maintains sound relationships with political and administrative organizations. Many countries have laws prohibiting corporations from making political donations and we abide by those laws. When engaging in transactions with public organizations whether inside or outside of Japan, we refrain from giving or receiving gifts and entertainment to or from related officials. In an effort to promote anti-corruption awareness among employees, relevant descriptions are included in the Compliance Guidelines.
Tax Compliance
Based on the spirit of the company motto, “Sincerity and Creativity,” the LINTEC Group properly pays taxes in compliance with the laws and regulations stipulated by the countries or regions where its business sites are located, or by the countries or regions concerned.
In a bid to ensure the lawful and appropriate processing of day-to-day transactions, we educate our employees on the concepts of corporate accounting using the relevant descriptions included in the Compliance Guidelines, which are distributed to all group employees.
Promoting Compliance
Disseminating Legal Information
The LINTEC Group publishes Legal News on a regular basis to share information on legal affairs with employees. We also run e-learning programs to help solidify their understanding.
Raising Awareness with the Compliance Guidelines
The LINTEC Group has compiled the Compliance Guidelines into a booklet that is published in several languages and distributed to all employees to ensure that each person clearly understands the code of conduct they are required to follow.
In addition, we hold CSR study sessions using the Compliance Guidelines to help employees understand their legal and ethical obligations and act appropriately.
Fostering Sense of Ethics
“Rinri Kawaraban,” which started in fiscal 2006, is an intranet ethics news column featuring senryu (short haiku-like poems) with an additional explanation to familiarize employees with standards for ethics and conduct. The poems are compiled into a biennial booklet, “Rinri Kawaraban Mamotte Masuka?” which is not only used internally but also introduced to suppliers and customers.