- Sustainability
- Environmental Report
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Environmental Report

The LINTEC Group strives to achieve harmony between its corporate activities and the global environment. The group is carrying out a variety of environmental protection initiatives under the slogan “We have to broaden our scope when working to support the environment. There is only one earth.”
Environmental Management
- Environmental Management System
- Internal Audit
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Compliance
- Material Flow
Developing Environmentally Friendly Products
- Guidelines for Environmentally Friendly Products
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Initiatives for Reducing CO2 Emissions
- Response to TCFD Recommendations
Realization of a Recycling-oriented Society
- Reducing Waste
- Circular Economy
- Sustainable Raw Material Procurement
Co-existence with Nature
- Water Usage and Discharge
- Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives
Management of Environmentally Hazardous Substances
- Compliance with PRTR
- VOC Emissions Reduction
- Management of Chemical Substances, Compliance with EU Regulations
- Proper Storage and Management of PCB
Environmental Preservation Costs
Related SDGs