Millions of yen2023¥ 55,49017,84146,92259,5488,354(181)187,977101,769159,60513,2385,00820,140299,762(185,637)114,12515,0643,23418,299¥ 333,6422024 ¥ 38,032 16,035 42,768 67,250 8,004 (155)171,936 93,387 152,318 12,226 6,515 19,059 283,506 (181,913)101,593 15,013 2,694 17,708 2,4734,8193,6012,434(89)13,239145,6642,342 5,154 3,774 2,464 (91)13,643 132,945 ¥ 304,881 ASSETSCurrent assets: Cash and deposits Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Trade notes receivableTrade accounts receivableInventories Total current assetsNon-current assets:Property, plant and equipment: Buildings and structures Machinery, equipment and vehicles Construction in progress Other Land Accumulated depreciation Property, plant and equipment, netIntangible assets: Goodwill Other Total intangible assetsInvestments and other assets: Investment securities Deferred tax assets Net defined benefit asset Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Total investments and other assetsTotal non-current assetsTotal assets62Consolidated Balance SheetLINTEC Corporation and its consolidated subsidiariesMarch 31, 2024 and 2023
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