Aiming to Fulfill My Role as an Outside Director and Gain Confidence on the Executive SideI think LINTEC has outstanding technologies, high growth potential, and innovates boldly. I am honored to be of service to a company like this. I understand that creating new prod-ucts and businesses requires ongoing investment, and achieving sustainable growth requires a company to become better at generating the necessary funds. To this end, Joined IBM Japan Ltd. in 1981. Subsequently worked in data-driven marketing and consulting operations, including posi-tions at foreign IT companies. In 2001, established JBtoB CO., LTD., becoming representative director and president (current position). In 2020, became an outside director at LINTEC. In 2021, joined the Company’s Nomination and Compensation Committee.Joined Nippon Paint Co., Ltd. (currently Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd.) in 1983. In addition to experience in executive positions at Nippon Paint and its subsidiaries, was responsible for business operations and restructuring. Also has a strong background in global business, having been stationed overseas for some time as an engineer. Currently serves on the Company’s Nomination and Compensation Committee.Certified as an attorney and joined Kajitani Law Offices in 1998. Admitted to practice law in the State of New York, U.S., in 2005. Involved in corporate law in Japan and overseas. Became an outside director of the Company (Audit & Supervisory Committee member) in 2015. Since 2018, has worked concurrently as a member of the Company’s Corporate Governance Committee (now the Nomination and Compensation Committee).Joined Housing and Urban Development Corporation (currently Urban Renaissance Agency) in 1982. Joined Showa Ota & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC) in 1985. Established Sakura & Co. (currently Crowe Sakura & Co.) in 1988. Provides consulting services as a certified public accountant for M&A and business restructuring and reorganization. Was appointed as an outside director of the Company in 2021 and also became a member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. In 2023, was appointed an outside director of the Company (Audit & Supervisory Committee member).LINTEC must work proactively to boost its return on equity without being constrained by past performance. To improve profitability, the Company needs to look beyond mere improvement measures and step up to the level of undertak-ing reforms. With the Japanese market maturing, companies need to look overseas to achieve further growth. Expanding business overseas requires collaboration with local partners, and fostering trust and building mutually beneficial relationships is key to success. Throughout my career, I have made it a practice to take on difficult challenges. I intend to use the experience I have gained in the process to help LINTEC grow. An outside director’s role should be to scrutinize execu-tives’ proposals and ask them frank questions if we have any doubts or feel their proposals might hinder growth. By lever-aging my objective viewpoint as an outside director in repeated discussions about undertaking risks for the sake of growth, I hope to gain a better understanding of the execu-tives’ sensibilities and earn their trust, ultimately sharing the Board of Directors’ sense of resolve. 54Seiichiro Shirahata was newly appointed as an independent outside director at the General Meeting of Shareholders in June 2024. As part of its ongoing efforts to reinforce corporate governance, the Company maintains the ratio of independent outside directors on its Board of Directors at one-third. In addition to the newly appointed Mr. Shirahata, we asked the other three independent outside directors, Akiko Okushima, Kanako Osawa, and Shigeru Sugimoto, to evaluate the Company’s management and governance and talk about their own roles in turning the long-term vision into reality.ProfilesAkiko OkushimaSeiichiro Shirahata Kanako OsawaShigeru SugimotoNewly AppointedSeiichiro ShirahataOutside DirectorMessages from Independent Outside Directors
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