LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

4One year16YesNoneErnst & Young ShinNihon LLC1316Organizational Structure Number of Directors (Number of Outside Directors) Number of Audit & Supervisory Committee Members (Number of Outside Directors) Number of Independent Outside Directors Directors’ Term of Office Number of Board of Directors’ Meetings in FY2024Adoption of an Executive Officer System Takeover Defense Measures Accounting Auditor(Outside directors also participate)Supervising / Instructing / ConsultingInforming / Reporting / ProposingSustainability Disclosure SubcommitteeTCFD SubcommitteeSocial Contribution SubcommitteeDiversity & Work Style Reform Promotion SubcommitteeCompany with audit and supervisory committee 12 (5)3 (2)Independent Outside Director Ratio Fundamental Policies and Structures Related to Corporate GovernanceThe Group believes that the fundamentals of corporate gov-ernance are to achieve thorough legal compliance, to increase management transparency and promote corporate ethics, and to make prompt decisions and effectively execute operations. By enhancing and reinforcing corporate gover-nance, we aim to further increase our corporate value and joint profits with shareholders. LINTEC has selected the company with audit and supervi-sory committee system described in the Companies Act of Japan for its organizational structure. The Company has placed directors that are also Audit & Supervisory Committee Corporate Governance Organization ChartCorporate Governance SystemInstructing / ConsultingManagement decisionsInforming / Reporting / ProposingInformingPromoting(Executive officers)Operational executionGeneral Meeting of ShareholdersAppointing / Dismissingmembers with voting rights on its Board of Directors in order to strengthen the Board’s supervisory function. In addition, we have established committees that are unique to the Company: the Sustainability Committee, in which all outside directors also participate to provide advice and recommendations from an objective perspective, and the Nomination and Compensation Committee, which deliberates and reports on the selection and dismissal of directors and executive officers and on their evaluation and compensation. In these ways, the Company is working to step up corporate governance and streamline management even further.Auditing / Supervising(Directors)ConsultingAdvising / SuggestingInternal auditingAppointing / Dismissingoutside directors, Supervisory Committee members)representative directors, and outside expert)CooperatingInformingAppointing / DismissingCooperatingAccount auditing / Internal control auditing50Sustainability CommitteeEnvironmental CommitteeSocial & Governance CommitteeCorporate Ethics SubcommitteeCorporate Risk Management CommitteeSDGs CommitteeBoard of DirectorsRepresentative directorsManagement meetingsOperational execution divisions, Group companiesAudit & Nomination Supervisory Committee(Directors serving as Audit & and Compensation Committee(Independent Audit OfficeFour of 12 directorsFemale Director RatioTwo of 12 directorsIndependent auditorGovernance

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