LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

Financial results briefings for institu-tional investors and securities analysts IR ActivitiesLINTEC aims to support the formation of an appropriate stock price through timely, suitable information disclosure. To that end, the Company conducts a variety of IR activities for institutional investors, securities analysts, and indi-vidual investors. Dialogue with Institutional Investors and Securities Analysts For institutional investors and securities analysts in Japan, we conduct financial results briefings twice per year. We also conduct quarterly IR meetings and respond to requests for information. For overseas institutional investors, we work to promote an understanding of the Group through web confer-ences, IR events that are held by securities companies, visits with overseas institutional investors, and other means. Going forward, the Company will continue working to disclose infor-mation to all of its shareholders and investors in a timely manner, engage in constructive dialogue, and aim to be able to maintain a price-to-book value ratio of more than 1.0 times.Details of Activities in the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 Number of institutional investors and securities analysts with whom indi-vidual meetings were heldIR Activities Targeting Individual InvestorsIssuing of Shareholder Newsletter Twice a year, we issue the LINTEC WAVE shareholder newsletter and deliver it to shareholders. We periodi-cally implement a reader question-naire in the newsletter, and we reflect the feedback received in newsletter production and IR activities.Enhancement of Information Provision through IR Websites and BriefingsFrom the viewpoint of fair disclosure, in addition to enhanc-ing its website for individual investors the Company provides information through its English-language IR website, and we are working on a daily basis to update the information and enhance the content.2221 Contribution to Local CommunitiesThe Group recognizes it is part of the local community and society, and it is engaged in a variety of initiatives to con-tribute to society while coexisting in harmony. Community SupportThe Company engages in social contribution activities related to education, welfare, sports, and community sup-port. The breakdown of community support expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, is as follows. Development of Next-Generation Human Resources (Kurarika)Cultivating next-generation resources is an important theme for the LINTEC Group, which uses proprietary technologies to develop new products. As part of this effort, we are sponsoring the Tokyo Tech Alumni Association’s Kuramae Science Program Fushigi Fushigi (Kurarika), a science class styled as a terakoya (community learning center). The association works to nurture the upcoming generation and sustain children’s inter-est in science. Kurarika offers science classes throughout Japan, mainly for elementary school students, where they can learn scientific principles using familiar materials. Through our sponsorship of and cooperation with Kurarika, we aim to encourage children to take a strong interest in science. Joint Projects with Itabashi WardFor many years, we have been involved in joint projects in cooperation with Itabashi Ward, the Tokyo ward where our head office is located. For example, LINTEC regularly holds sports events for people with disabilities living in Itabashi Ward. We also sponsor the LINTEC Fureai Concert to foster interaction with local residents through music and support families in need through food donations to a permanent food pantry operated by Itabashi Ward. We will continue to promote our coexistence with local communities and society by continuing such community-based initiatives at each of our domestic and overseas bases. Community support Education Sports Welfare Scope: LINTEC Corporation53.8%37.3%6.3%2.6%LINTEC WAVEJuly 2024 briefing session for individual investors48Total: ¥20.65 millionStrengthening of Communication with Stakeholders

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