LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

%0201120202021202220232024 Enhancement of Our Quality Assurance System to Ensure Greater Peace of Mind and Instill Trust Defining and Reaffirming Quality Assurance and Quality ControlQuality assurance refers to the overall management of the entire product supply chain from the customer’s perspective to ensure that the products offered are of a quality that satis-fies the customer. Quality control, meanwhile, is an activity that underpins quality assurance, in which production sites take the lead in ensuring that products are manufactured as designed according to a predetermined process. We are strengthening our Companywide quality assurance system by having our Quality Assurance Division define and reaffirm quality assurance and quality control more clearly. By pursu-ing manufacturing in a way that satisfies our customers, we hope to remain a trusted partner to our customers, both in Japan and overseas.Aiming for a Global Quality Assurance SystemWe are actively working to localize production so we can produce and provide a stable supply of products that are closer to our customers at overseas locations. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, our overseas sales ratio was 61.1%, up approximately 25 percentage points from a decade earlier. This increase has highlighted the importance of the Quality Assurance Division’s efforts to establish and strengthen a worldwide quality assurance system. While working closely with local quality control staff, the division is building a system that will enable employees in the field to quickly and accurately identify customer needs and conduct evaluation and analysis from an objective perspective.Ensuring Thorough Quality ManagementThe LINTEC Group is advancing the acquisition of certification under ISO 9001, the international standard for a quality man-agement system (QMS). We are unifying the previous quality assurance systems, which are being implemented by each business operation, into a single Group QMS, and we received certifications at numerous locations overseas. Furthermore, we are realizing rigorous quality management daily on the production front lines and, in addition, we continually carry out employee education targeting the maintenance and enhance-ment of quality and the prevention of quality-related issues. This education is provided for people working in production or sales. Also, with the cooperation of suppliers, we are making 1003735353131(Fiscal years ended March 31)Scope: LINTEC Corporation, TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., and SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC.sure to control quality issues resulting from materials by stabilizing the quality of procured materials. As a result, when comparing major quality incidents by year, the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011, is set as 100 in an index of major qual-ity incidents, and we reduced the level of the index to 31 in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. We construct and actualize management systems that enable us to take swift action if a quality incident should occur, collecting information, analyzing causes, and working toward preventing a recurrence. This framework is in place in Japan and overseas. Fair TransactionsThe basic policy of the LINTEC Group is to conduct fair and transparent transactions with suppliers based on the prin-ciple of free competition. We conduct procurement activities in compliance with laws and social norms. In addition, we ask suppliers to consistently implement CSR from multiple perspectives, including respect for human rights, occupa-tional health and safety, information security, and corporate ethics. We will continue working to maintain and strengthen partnerships and to promote CSR procurement. Through the distribution of a questionnaire, we evaluated major suppliers in such areas as management, labor, service, BCPs, and overseas response.100755025Quality Quality assuranceAssurance DivisionQuality controlEnhanced customer satisfactionPercentage of Quality Incidents versus Fiscal 201147Product Quality

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