LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

The LINTEC Group Compliance GuidelinesHuman rights education training underway Concept and Promotion SystemWe have established the LINTEC Group Human Rights Policy based on the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights, the Global Compact, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. To ensure thorough implementation of the LINTEC Group Compliance Guidelines and to realize our long-term vision, LSV 2030, all executives and employees comply with this policy. We also request compliance from our business part-ners and related parties, including suppliers. The Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the president, comprehensively monitors and supervises related initiatives in cooperation with related departments through-out LINTEC. Respect for Human Rights in Labor Management and EducationThe LINTEC Group believes that compliance forms a founda-tion for its activities and thoroughly adheres to both social rules and relevant laws and regulations in and outside Japan. This also applies to the recruitment and treatment of employees. Labor management is performed in accordance with relevant laws. Unfair discrimination, child labor, and harassment are prohibited. The LINTEC Group Compliance Guidelines, which outline rules for everyday activities, are distributed to all employees, including those of overseas Group companies. We also incorporate human rights education into our rank-based training programs. Global Surveys on Human Rights and Labor StandardsThe LINTEC Group conducts an annual human rights and labor survey to ensure a safe and healthy working environ-ment in which human rights are respected. Survey items include legal compliance and the elimination of discrimina-tion, respect for human rights, the prohibition of child labor, the prohibition of forced labor, wages, working hours, dia-logue and consultation with employees, safe and healthy working environments, and human resource development. By conducting the survey, we confirm that the LINTEC Group Compliance Guidelines are understood, ensure com-pliance with laws and regulations in each region, and verify that a safe and healthy working environment in which basic human rights are respected has been established. We will continue to conduct surveys on a regular basis to ascertain the actual situation and use the results for improvement. Prohibition of Child Labor and Forced LaborThe LINTEC Group considers child and forced labor to be important issues. We assess the situation with respect to transaction volume and our business continuity plan (BCP) by distributing a questionnaire to raw material suppliers selected from among our business partners.The human rights policy describes our commitment to respecting human rights.1 Organization/structure2 Education and training3 Compliance with related laws4 Human rights due diligence5 Relief measures6 Dialogue with stakeholders7 Information disclosureHuman Rights Rights

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