LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

4 3 2 ACPDPDAC1 Activities to manage safety and healthActivities for the safety of machinery Zero-Accident CultureSafety is the top priority in LINTEC Group plants, which are operated with the aim of preempting injuries to personnel. We have formulated safety and health policies in compliance with the ISO 45001 standard for occupational health and safety management systems, and our practices include risk assessment, which enables us to put safety standards in place; hazard prediction exercises; and the rigorous pursuit of our 5S* activities through various types of safety patrols. Safety and health committees hold monthly meetings at all our sites to enable us to ascertain the progress of our safety Creating a Culture of Safety and Health at LINTEC Efforts toward Business ContinuityThe Group is working to strengthen its systems that enable business operations to continue or restart quickly if struck by a disaster. LINTEC Corporation and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., have obtained certification under ISO 22301, the inter-national standard for a business continuity management system (BCMS). The status of BCMS operations at each site is confirmed through internal audits, and employee opinions and improvement proposals are discussed at the Companywide BCMS Council and reflected as Companywide Finger pointing and callouts Never touch a moving rotating machine * 5S: Seiri (organizing), seiton (clearing up), seiso (cleaning), seiketsu (cleanliness), and shitsuke (discipline) in JapaneseActivities to increase the level of safety and healthConstant improvement of the four types of activitiesFour LINTEC Safety Principlesactivities and share information. In addition, we exchange information about each plant’s initiatives. We have also adopted the concept of “machinery safety,” in which machine design helps ensure worker safety, and we are working to reduce risk by replacing as much manual work as possible with machines. We will continue activities on multiple fronts in accordance with our zero-accident culture.initiatives. In relation to these systems, drills are held to take into account the characteristics of individual sites so that in the event of a natural disaster or accident that disrupts business operations, we can ensure the safety of our employees and then recommence the supply of products promptly, minimizing impact on our customers and other stakeholders. We will continue repeating these exercises to ensure the BCMS gains traction, as well as invigorating and enhancing our activities.Cue colleagues during a collaborative task Stop the machine in the event of troubleConstant improvementUpward spiral1. Safety is the top priority. 2. Everyone shares the same level of safety awareness. 3. Create a culture where everyone can follow the rules easily.Culture of Safety and HealthGoals of Safety and Health Activities1. Prevent occupational accidents (safety). 2. Provide a safe and healthy workplace (security).3. Stay accident-free.Activities to reduce safety and health risks45Safety

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