LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

3412567 Reformulate basedonprogress in the fiscal year endingMarch31, 20274 Build a mechanism that digitizes intuition and experience 1 Revitalize internal communication to instill a mindset of 5 Improve sales efficiency with sales DX and build a system 6 Proactively communicate information outside the Company7 Consider reallocating and optimizing domestic and 2 Develop digital human resources for strong personnel and 3 Business process reengineering (BPR) that proactively LSV 2030-Stage 1FY2024Second halfMilestonesSubcommitteesPhase 3 Revitalization of CommunicationCultivation of LDX personnelBusiness Process-Driven DXSales DXDissemination of External Information Construction of Next-Term Foundations and SystemsFY2025First halfPhase 4LSV 2030-Stage 2FY2026Second halfFirst halfExecution stagePhase 5Reformulate based on progress in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025Reformulate based on progress in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025Second halfFirst halfFY2027Second halfPhase 6Proposal of apps for useReview of guidelines and contentsDX basic trainingTraining planVisualization of current status, business inventory, and analysisAscertainment of current situation and administering of surveyPlanningHost asset analysisPlanning and execution of internal exchange meetings and study groupsApp (Viva Engage) development and community building through appFor new employeesDX literacy trainingCultivation planImplementation of plan to cultivate LDX personnelExecution of measures (ECRS activities, etc.), horizontal deployment of BPR activity examples and know-how/monitoring and evaluation of activitiesPlanning of problem-solving measures and DX themesExecution of function-specific and DX working groupsFormulation of improvements through BPRBPR implementation and monitoringIdentification of issues and theme settingCRM/SFA consideration/PoCInformation dissemination to external partiesPreparation for DX certification → ApplicationHost asset analysis Host next system* migration (plan and execution) * Head office system (migration in fiscal year ending March 31, 2027) → Factory system migrationDomestic LSP/Pocket reconstruction (plan and execution)CRM/SFA implementation and monitoringLDX 2030 sets forth seven transformation themes that encapsulate our aspirations. To address these themes, we have estab-lished six subcommittees, which focus on the revitalization of communication, the cultivation of LDX personnel, business process-driven DX, digitalization of sales processes (sales DX), the dissemination of external information, and the construction of next-term foundations and systems. In phase four, each subcommittee will move forward on action plans and consider specific key performance indicators (KPIs). For example, the subcommittee on the cultivation of LDX personnel will aim to ensure that each department has at least one employee who is familiar with LDX and can link business operations and digital technology with the goal of improving the digital literacy and skills of all employees. The subcommittee focusing on business process-driven DX will undertake measures to resolve issues uncovered when taking inventory of and analyzing operations in the previous three phases. In this way, we aim to build a management foundation and foster a corporate culture that can drive change.Seven Transformation Themes of LDX 2030LDX 2030 has progressed to around the halfway mark of all the phases without experiencing any significant delays to its road map. We are making good progress, but to meet our goals ahead of schedule without waiting until 2030, each employee—not just the subcommittee members—must take personal ownership of LDX 2030. The key to success is for all employees to face in the same direction. We intend to redouble our efforts to educate digitally savvy human resources, including new-graduate hires, and to make them aware of the project. By strengthening our corporate structure through DX, we will create value that exceeds the expectations of our stakeholders. We will do so by reinforcing our foundation to ensure profitability no matter how the operating environment changes.LDX 2030 Road Map by Subcommitteechange as part of our corporate culturea robust organizationutilizes digital technologyto enable data-based decision-makingto develop products based on customer needsoverseas systems39Building a Management Foundation and Fostering a Corporate Culture to Drive ChangeCreating Value That Exceeds Stakeholder Expectations

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