LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

A strong LINTEC creates the futureIndispensableStakeholdersCreating value that exceeds expectationsThe CompanyContinues to change autonomouslyIndividualsAchieve digital literacy and pursue value that is unique to “you”DX helps maximize the power of people to create the future. LDX 2030 defines this concept. Formulating the concept involved interviews with the chairman, president, and other members of the management team about their expectations for DX and their sense of crisis about the current situation. After identifying management issues, we worked to visualize what kind of company we want to be. We then conducted workshops with change leaders for each theme and with the young and mid-career members who will make up the Group’s next generation of leaders. Our approach was characterized by setting milestones by backcasting from our ideal future.SocietyUsing digital Using digital technology technology as a toolas a toolCreating Creating valuevalueTransforming Transforming processesprocesses38In October 2022, the Company launched LDX 2030, a project to promote digital transformation (DX). We must move forward with DX in order to “foster innovation to build a robust corporate structure,” one of the key initia-tives set forth in our long-term vision, LSV 2030. We are using this project as a litmus test to determine whether the long-term vision is achievable. In phase one we formulated our “digital vision,” which set the direction we are aiming for with DX, and have moved through phase three, which determined specific action plans. In April 2024, we commenced phase four, the execution stage. We are finally putting into action the seven transforma-tion themes we have been discussing to achieve our vision for 2030: A strong LINTEC creates the future.Medium-Term StrategiesConceptual Diagram of LDX 2030Maximizing the power of people with the support of DX to create the futureLDX 2030Anatomy of LDX 2030: The Key to Realizing Our Long-Term VisionSPECIAL FEATURE

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