tnemeganaM latipaCnamuH Message from the Executive General Manager, General Affairs & Human Resources Div.HR system that can accurately ascertain the skills, abilities, and career plans of each individual will help us to optimize personnel assignments and take other measures that allow individuals to dem-onstrate their abilities more fully than ever before. We are also working to ensure diversity in our human resources by hiring mid-career professionals and non-Japanese employees. For non-Japanese employees, LINTEC will pro-mote succession planning for overseas bases. We expect executive candidates will have opportunities to work at LINTEC headquarters or other sites, without limiting them to just one option. We are also considering the introduction of job-specific employment to help promote the employment and success of people who are experts in specific areas. Our human resource strategy and business strategy are inseparable aspects of our management, and making the most of our employees' abilities will contribute greatly to improving corporate value over the medium to long term. We will continue to implement personnel system reforms with a focus on improving and Creation of an environment in which employees can work energetically (diversity and inclusion,* work-style reform, and occupational health and safety)Identification of human assets and their development into a competitive force (career development) Revitalization of communication (increase in engagement and cross-organizational projects)* Initiatives to promote corporate growth through diverse human resourcesstrengthening our corporate structure and enhancing business performance.36Medium-Term StrategiesInteractionUnder our previous medium-term busi-ness plan, LSV 2030-Stage 1, which concluded in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, we introduced some flexible HR system reforms, such as mandatory retirement at age 65, and we increased the rate and number of paren-tal leave days male employees could take. This fiscal year, the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, marks the first year of our new medium-term business plan, and we are accelerating efforts to realize the key initiatives spelled out in our long-term vision, LSV 2030. From the perspective of human capital man-agement, we will continue to conduct an employee survey. By doing so, we will strengthen the organization by identify-ing problem areas and implementing action plans. As a result, we expect to create a virtuous cycle of improved performance owing to increased job satisfaction and motivation of employ-ees, and consequent improvement of employee compensation. We have also embarked on digital transformation in the area of human resources. As one example of these efforts, we are building a talent management system. Having an Human resources are the LINTEC Group's most important asset for improving corporate value over the medium to long term. Our long-term vision, LSV 2030, emphasizes our human resource strategy, and we have been implementing flexible personnel system reforms that are sensitive to changes in our society and oper-ating environment. However, rather than simply adopting HR systems to be in line with social trends, we focus on building systems that will improve and strengthen the corporate structure and enhance business performance.Business StrategyImprovement and strengthening of corporate structure and enhancement of business performanceHuman Resource StrategyTsunetoshi MochizukiDirector, Senior Managing Executive Officer Executive General Manager, General Affairs & Human Resources Div.Human Resource StrategyA Human Resource Strategy to Enhance Corporate ValueSPECIAL FEATURE
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