Bump support filmIn May 2024, we introduced a new product into the market: bump support film. This film improves the durability and reliability of semiconductor chips by protecting the bumps of resin where electrodes protrude at the substrate connections of semiconductor wafers. As electronic devices have grown smaller, lighter, and more sophisticated in recent years, the semiconductor packages used in them have also needed to become more compact, lightweight, and densely mounted. Against this backdrop, wafer level chip scale package (WLCSP) technology has emerged. This packaging technology involves processing on the wafer and mounting the chip directly on the substrate after wafer cutting. However, the WLCSP structure produces protruding bumps where electrodes connect to the board, and cracks can occur in this area when packages are subjected to thermal deformation or stress. Bump support film helps to address this problem and improve the durability and reliability of semiconductor chips. We aim to increase sales by customizing this film to different bump sizes and shapes and by optimizing pro-posals for individual customers’ wafers.Amid imbalances between semiconductor supply and demand and a growing number of applications, counterfeit semiconductors are becoming an increasingly serious problem. In addition to posing a serious security risk for private firms, counterfeit products can also affect national economic security. In response to this important global issue, we participated in an R&D project to establish anti-counterfeiting technology for semiconductors, responding to a public tender by NEDO* as part of a national project promoted by the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and other organizations. We guarantee the authentic-ity of semiconductor chips by applying special inkjet printing and employing other methods on our proprietary backside coating tapes to give them unique character-istics. Industry, academia, and the government are working together to develop this anti-counterfeiting technology.The LINTEC Group has developed elemental technology for carbon nanotube (CNT) pellicles (dust-proof materials) for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography equipment. Pellicles serve as a dust-proof film, preventing foreign matter from adhering to a photo-mask (the original plate of a circuit pattern). Traditionally, products based on polysilicon and other materials have been used for this purpose, but in recent years the call for highly durable pellicles made from CNTs has grown in line with improvements in the performance of EUV lithography equipment, which is essential for semiconductor miniaturization. At the Nano-Science & Technology Center, the R&D base in Texas where we develop CNT sheets, we have been exploring new applications for CNTs for some time. Our new elemental technology is the fruit of efforts to develop CNT pellicles dating back to 2018. We are investing around ¥5.0 billion to establish the first mass production system for this technology, and we expect operations to commence by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026. Unlike the tape materials we have developed to date, which are used in the back-end process of semiconductor manufacturing, pellicles are used in the front-end process. We will use CNT pellicles as a starting point to develop new business areas and further expand our semiconductor-related business. * New Energy and Industrial Technology Development OrganizationCross-section of a semiconductor chipBump support film and semiconductor waferChip authenticity is guaranteed by applying special inkjet printing (ID assignment) and other methods that intentionally add random features to tape.EUV pellicleWaferInside an EUV lithography systemWithout bump support filmCracksChipBumpSubstrateWith bump support filmEUV photomaskReflectorEUV light source35Launch of a Bump Support Film That Helps Improve the Durability and Reliability of Semiconductor ChipsParticipation in a National Project to Establish Technology to Prevent Semiconductor Counterfeiting Development of Elemental Technology Used in CNT Pellicles for EUV Lithography Equipment
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