Efforts to expand applications for oil-resistant papers Development and sales growth for high-performance papers as plastic alternatives, etc. Enhancement of overseas deployment of casting papers for synthetic leather Sales growth for casting papers for carbon fiber composite materials, etc.Satoshi AokiExecutive OfficerExecutive General Manager, Fine & Specialty PaperProducts Operations, Business Administration Div.A Message from the Executive General ManagerIn the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, the pandemic-inspired shift away from paper and toward digital media contin-ued, prompting a decline in demand for many of our specialty paper products, such as our mainstay color papers for envelopes. We responded to this drop in sales volume through price revisions. Profit was severely affected by the decline in sales volume and high raw Daisuke KiiExecutive OfficerExecutive General Manager, Converted Products Operations, Business Administration Div.A Message from the Executive General ManagerIn the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, overall segment performance was up year on year. Although sales of release papers for adhesive products and release films for optical-related products were affected by low demand, sales of release papers for electronic materials for high-performance smart-phones remained strong. In addition, recovery in the market for airline material and fuel prices, although we took various approaches to improve profitability, such as reducing invento-ries, consolidating product standards, and revising pulp procurement methods. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, initiatives in this segment will focus on the policies of improving profitability, boosting sales volume, and creating new products. To improve profits, we will strive to build an efficient production system and maintain appropriate inventories. We will also work to increase sales volume by attracting new customers in growth markets and strengthening overseas development of special-function papers, such as oil- and water-resistant papers. In the creation of new products, we will passengers and a rebound in the domes-tic automobile market led to robust sales of casting papers for carbon fiber com-posite materials for aircraft and casting papers for synthetic leather used in automobile seats, partly owing to the impact of price revisions. 2025, we believe the overall market will trend toward recovery, and we will work to improve profitability by raising sales volume and reducing costs. Recognizing the importance of environmental mea-sures over the medium to long term, we will continue to promote the usage of solventless release paper, which does not use organic solvents in its production process. We will also concentrate on In the fiscal year ending March 31, strive to transition completely to fluorine-free oil-resistant paper and to develop and expand sales of high-performance papers that are substitutes for plastics, such as transparent paper and biode-gradable heat-sealing paper.eliminating the use of polyethylene resin for the lamination of release paper. Our key strategies are to augment market share by boosting sales of casting papers for carbon fiber composite mate-rials for aircraft, for which demand is expected to grow further, and by strengthening global development of casting papers for synthetic leather. Further, we are working on the develop-ment of new, early-stage products, such as water-repellent and slip-proof casting papers. We are also anticipating emerg-ing trends by developing new patterns of casting papers for synthetic leather.Main Initiatives in Medium-term Business Plan LSV 2030-Stage 2Main Initiatives in Medium-term Business Plan LSV 2030-Stage 233 Paper and Converted ProductsFine & Specialty Paper Products OperationsConverted Products Operations
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