SocietyEnvironmentAdhesive tape technologyPaper processing Porous microneedlesCoating/biodegradable resin technologyNext Generation Innovation GroupNew Project Planning OfficeProgressing toward the Creation of a Sustainable Society The New Project Planning Office is actively developing new products and businesses with a focus on areas such as energy conservation, renewable energy, marine resource conservation, electronics for communication, mobility, and healthcare. In July 2022, we established a new purpose brand called Welsurt to address these development themes and strengthened our technology development and external technology proposal efforts. Leveraging our accumulated expertise in adhesive, release, and papermaking technolo-gies, as well as proprietary technologies from our U.S. sub-sidiary’s research and development base, the Nano-Science & Technology Center, we aim to address social and environ-mental issues. One example of our society-oriented innova-tion is the development of materials that millimeter-wave absorbing materials. These materials allow for the control of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave frequency range and are being proposed for use in applications such as aiming tests to ensure the proper functioning of millimeter-wave radars used in advanced driver assistance systems in automobiles. Similarly, for environmental innovation, we have developed ultra-thin thermoelectric modules. These modules can convert heat energy into electrical energy using even a slight temperature difference and are only 0.6 mil-limeters thick, making them highly adaptable to curved surfaces. They can be used as battery-less power sources that utilize low-temperature waste heat, making them Contributing to Preventive Medicine by Taking on Challenges in the Healthcare Field The Next Generation Innovation Group, which we estab-lished in April 2022, aims to develop unique and innovative technologies and businesses that are unconstrained by existing operations from a medium- to long-term perspec-tive of five years or more. The office also actively collabo-rates with external organizations, participating in the Japanese government’s Key and Advanced Technology R&D through Cross Community Collaboration Program and working with other research institutions and related com-panies to establish anti-counterfeiting technology for semi-conductors. One of our ongoing development themes is collaborative research with the University of Tokyo on a porous microneedle patch. This product combines an array of microneedles of less than 50 micrometers in diameter with a safe and skin-friendly adhesive tape, so it can be applied to the skin as a patch without any harm to the body. We are combining the expertise of the University of Tokyo, which has knowledge in the production of porous microneedles, and the Company, which has a track record in developing adhesive tape with a high level of biological safety. We are considering the potential use of this patch suitable for applications such as IoT sensing. In these ways, the Group is committed to creating new value by accelerat-ing the transition from manufacturing to building a sustain-able society.for the non-invasive extraction of interstitial fluid, which might be useful in the diagnosis of diseases such as diabe-tes, by placing the patches between analysis sheets, causing them to react. By venturing into the field of preven-tive healthcare, we aim to help improve people’s quality of life and establish a sustainable healthcare system by reducing medical expenses.LINTEC’s Technologies and the Composition of a Porous Microneedle PatchBiomedical safety tapeMaterials that can absorb, transmit, or reflect millimeter waves to control radio waves at willUltra-thin thermoelectric modules that can use waste heat and serve as battery-less power sourcestechnologyAnalysis sheets29Accelerating the Development of Products That Address Social Issues
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