A Message from the Executive General Manager, Business Administration Div.Aiming to Meet Our Management Targets through Growth Investments and Overseas Expansion Existing businessTechnical Planning OfficeNew Project Planning OfficeNext Generation Innovation GroupOur new medium-term business plan, LSV 2030-Stage 2, out-lines our strong commitment to achieving an operating profit margin of 8% or higher by the plan’s final year, the fiscal year ending March 31, 2027, while steadily pursuing individual themes for each operation. One key point is our thorough investment of management resources into growth areas such as semiconductors. Under the previous medium-term business plan, we established the Package and Material Development Group as a new organization responsible for research and development within the Research Center for Three-Dimensional Semiconductors, operated by the Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology Foundation, with a focus on strengthening the development of semiconductor-related Roles of Organizations within the Business Administration Div. Aiming to Create New Products and BusinessesMarketing and product development for existing businesses Utilization of existing products and technologiesDevelopment of new businesses by leveraging existing and new technologiesadhesive tape and new processes. We also developed bump support film, which helps improve the durability and reliability of semiconductor chips, and commenced full-scale sales in May 2024. By leveraging our unique advantage of offering both tape and equipment, we will strive to attract new demand aris-ing from emerging AI applications and other opportunities. domestic demand in the medium to long term is uncertain due to population decline. We will focus on expanding busi-ness opportunities by enhancing competitiveness in overseas markets, such as the U.S., China, and India, and executing measures to make the leap to becoming a global player. These include proactive M&A activities and considering the appointment of local talent who are familiar with market characteristics as heads of overseas subsidiaries. Another major theme is optimizing the business portfolio through fundamental structural reforms. This will involve reviewing our network of bases, relocating production facilities, and undertaking reforms to tackle the challenges faced when products reach the mature stage of their life cycles. We will further advance product development and explore new cus-tomer opportunities as people’s behavioral patterns evolve. The New Project Planning Office and the Next Generation Innovation Group are taking the lead in creating new products and businesses in cooperation with the Research & Development Division and other divisions. Currently, we are conducting demonstration experiments with external partners on several products that we expect to bring to the market swiftly, thereby addressing social issues and contributing to the Company’s earnings.In the domestic market, the outlook for significant growth in Establishment of unique and innovative technologies and businesses that are not bound by existing businessesCreation of new businesses that go beyond the boundaries of existing businesses28Medium-Term StrategiesShort time spanMedium to long time spanMarkets, societyMedium to long time spanRealization of sustainable growthTakeshi KaiyaDirector, Senior Managing Executive OfficerExecutive General Manager, Business Administration Div.Business Strategy
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