LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

0 202020212022• Six operations• Marketing Departmentetc.LiaisonThree-Way CollaborationIntellectual property strategyTechnology strategyBusiness strategyDR/SG systemBrainstorming meetingIntellectual Property Department20232024Business OperationsLiaisonIntellectual property strategy in line with business policies76(Fiscal years ended March 31)Working to Expand Our Intellectual Property LINTEC aims to increase corporate value by developing original products that fully satisfy customer needs. We therefore position intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, and design rights acquired through these devel-opment activities, as important management resources. The Intellectual Property Department promotes efforts to expand intellectual property rights. We file applications out of awareness of the need to protect proprietary technologies and products, and work to create a range of rights that can be utilized in multiple technological fields. The number of patents we hold has risen in recent years, in tandem with the increase in our ratio of overseas sales. We are building a global patent network with a particular focus on Asia for semiconductor-related products, taking into consideration the future market potential in each country and our manu-facturing bases around the world. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, our patent holdings in Japan decreased for the first time since we began taking these statistics. This Stepping up Collaboration between R&D Departments and Business Operations The Intellectual Property Department, which develops global intellectual property strategies, collaborates with R&D departments and business operations to share intellectual property information and review ideas, including filing, rights acquisition, and portfolio formation linked to both activities. About half of the people in our Intellectual Property Department work as patent liaisons* at the Research Center, where they are responsible for everything from invention discovery to patent prosecution. The Intellectual Property Department also focuses on intellectual property activities linked to R&D schemes, such as design review (DR) and the stage-gate (SG) system, as well as educating researchers about intellectual property. Members of the Intellectual Property Department are also stationed at the Bunkyo Kasuga Office, a base of business operations, where they work to collect information from business operations and strengthen cooperation.* A patent liaison is a patent specialist who acts as a link between the Introducing an Analysis System and Using It to Develop Our Intellectual Property Strategy In recent years, we have built on the IP landscape concept of analyzing and utilizing intellectual property information for management, introducing a landscape-type analysis system for collecting intellectual property information in addition to our existing mapping software. To develop intel-lectual property strategies, we analyze the current status and future prospects of the Company and its competitors based on their technical information and other data. For example, for a specific high-value-added semiconductor-related product, we use a life cycle map analysis to confirm the product’s position, as well as its strengths and developer and the patent office.6,0004,5003,0001,500R&D Departments• Research Center• Ina Technology Center• Nano-Science & Technology CenterProposals and support leveraging intellectual property informationwas the result of a careful winnowing with a view to resource allocation to optimize our domestic patent holdings in light of patent values and annuity payments.weaknesses compared with its main competitors in terms of patents. We use this information to help us develop busi-ness strategies in order to maintain our market share. We also believe that development themes established from a business perspective and based on intellectual property information are superior in terms of their technological uniqueness, progress, marketability, and future potential and will lead to new business opportunities. Additionally, we use the results of macro analyses of relevant literature on new polymeric materials in our search for areas of demand. Japan Asia Europe, United States, and othersNumber of Patents Held by Region25Intellectual Property Activities

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