A Message from the Executive General Manager, Research & Development Div.Continuing to Strengthen Our Research and Development System to Generate Continuous InnovationThe Research & Development Division engages in R&D aimed at contributing to a sustainable society and leading in innovative product development. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, we launched a variety of environmentally friendly products, including fluorine-free oil-resistant paper, and developed tech-nologies such as bump support film to enhance the durability and reliability of semiconductor chips. augment the development process for new products and technologies that anticipate market demand, providing customer solutions and addressing social challenges in growth, mature, and new fields. In growth fields such as semiconductors and optics, we will strive to develop new products that can build market monopolies, as well as expand our business domains. We will enhance research on high-precision surface protection tapes for back grinding and expand the scope of development beyond the semi-conductor manufacturing post-process, an area where we excel, using carbon nanotube (CNT) pel-licles for extreme ultraviolet lithography equipment as a foothold. In mature fields, including printing materials, industrial materials, and specialty papers, we will create new products that contribute to high profitability and market invigoration. Furthermore, we aim to cultivate new demand through open innovation that combines our accumulated proprietary technolo-gies with those of other companies. In new fields, we will work to commercialize as many products under development as possible, such as thermoelectric converting modules, ultra-thin and lightweight peltier modules, and high-frequency dielectric heating adhesive film.In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, we will Efficiency through digital transformation is essen-tial for conducting R&D that responds swiftly to market expectations. By actively utilizing data science tools, such as machine learning and materials infor-matics, we aim to accelerate development and increase the number of projects we take on. Additionally, we will pursue R&D that breaks conven-tional norms by leveraging tools like AI and embrac-ing unconventional ideas. Continuous innovation is also an important theme. In addition to collaboration with universities and other institutions, we are considering the establish-ment of satellite research laboratories as part of our efforts to strengthen the framework for joint develop-ment with Group companies overseas. We are also accelerating collaboration between companies to increase the likelihood of commercialization. We will establish a global R&D structure and contribute to the realization of our long-term vision through prod-uct development.23Yoshihisa MineuraManaging Executive OfficerExecutive General Manager, Research & Development Div.R&D and Intellectual Property Strategy
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