700202420252027(Target)(Forecast)LSV 2030-Stage 22022202320242025(Forecast)LSV 2030-Stage 1LSV 2030-Stage 2276.3276.3290.0290.0315.021.613.810.610.618.018.025.5(Fiscal years ended / ending March 31)(Fiscal years ended / ending March 31)Consolidated Net Sales¥ Billion Review of the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024, and Management Targets under LSV 2030-Stage 2 In the first half of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, the and profits in the first year, so we revised our targets final year of LSV 2030-Stage 1, we faced a challenging operat-upward. However, in the second and third years, we were ing environment due to a significant decline in the sales affected significantly by the deterioration of the external volume of electronic and optical products. Additionally, our environment and fell short of our targets. During the three-facility utilization rate fell owing to a decline in orders, and year period, performance was impacted by such factors as operating losses grew. The operating environment began unexpectedly high fuel prices and yen depreciation. improving in the second half, spurred mainly by a recovery in To continue contributing to the realization of a sustainable orders for semiconductor- and electronic component-related society through new products and businesses, we must products and adhesive products for seals and labels, as well maintain a resilient corporate structure that is unaffected by as the effects of price revisions. However, this upsurge was external factors. As CFO, it is my responsibility to improve not enough to compensate for our poor performance in the profitability and asset efficiency, allocate capital strategically, first half. As a result, sales and profit were down year on year. and engage in appropriate information disclosure and con-Consolidated net sales for the year amounted to ¥276.3 billion, structive dialogue with shareholders and investors in order operating income was ¥10.6 billion, and profit attributable to to drive forward the initiatives of LSV 2030. Under the new owners of parent came to ¥5.2 billion.medium-term business plan, LSV 2030-Stage 2, we aim to Under LSV 2030-Stage 1, we achieved record-high sales steadily execute these strategies and achieve our targets for 40030020010020222023LSV 2030-Stage 1Consolidated Operating Income¥ Billion 2821142027(Target)20Medium-Term Strategies256.8284.6Yoichi ShibanoDirector, Managing Executive Officer, and Executive General Manager, Administration Div.Promoting LSV 2030 from a Financial Perspective to Enhance Corporate Value Financial StrategyA Message from the CFO
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