18Medium-Term StrategiesWhen formulating its new medium-term business plan, LSV 2030-Stage 2, the LINTEC Group also revised its material issues and KPIs. In doing so, we adopted the concept of “double materiality” for categories that take into account both the environmental and social impact of corporate activities. We will contribute to the realiza-tion of a sustainable society through the five newly established material issues and our responses to them.Work to solve social issues through business activitiesFoster innovation to build a robust corporate structure and promote sustainable growthFulfill responsibilities associated with the environment, society, and customersDevelop and secure human resources for the futureMaintain LINTEC’s favorable reputationMateriality• Help shape a carbon-free world• Respect human rights of all stakeholders• Enhance governance and risk management• Create market-leading innovative new products and businesses• Reform development, manufacturing, transportation, operations, and other processes to improve profitability• Protect and utilize intellectual property• Reduce impact on natural ecosystems• Increase development of environmentally friendly products• Provide and stably supply safe and high-quality products• Respect human rights in general and the rights of employees• Improve human capital and create an honest and open organizational culture• Promote occupational health and safety• Ensure transparent information disclosure and reinforce stakeholder communication• Ensure compliance and fair business practices• Promote responsible procurement and strengthen supply chains• Enhance information securityMaterial Issues
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