LINTEC Integrated Report 2024

Our operations are mainly business-to-business, so we are in the same position as our customers, which are companies like ours. The LINTEC Group is its customers’ most impor-tant and strongest supporter. We work to help customers survive amid market competition, and as a result we intend to emerge as a leader ourselves. To fulfill this role, we must constantly hone our technical capabilities in a rapidly changing market environment so we can accurately understand the needs of our customers and meet this demand faithfully by applying the Group’s techno-logical capabilities. Customers may not always choose the best solutions to the issues they face. In other words, actual issues may be different than they first appear. Having outstanding techno-logical development capabilities helps us to understand such misalignments and make truly optimal proposals.The LINTEC Group promotes a market-dialogue style of R&D, in which researchers join sales representatives to visit customers and communicate directly with them. In addition to the Research & Development Division, which is the core of the Group’s R&D activities, the Business Administrative Division houses the Technical Planning Office, the New Project Planning Office, and the Next Generation Innovation Group, facilitating interaction. Our aim is to foster more diverse, Companywide technological development for the creation of new products and businesses. Our manufacturing approach is characterized by incorpo-rating diverse opinions from people throughout the Group and harnessing this collective knowledge to create some-thing new. We expect this method to become even more effective in the future. In this era of rapid change, it is inad-visable to limit technological development resources to one specific, specialized department. Accordingly, technological development-led innovation can also come from people who are not engaged in R&D and In our nearly 100 years as a company, we have acquired a variety of expertise and know-how in technological develop-ment. For the sake of convenience, we put our core tech-nologies into four categories: adhesive applications, surface improvement, specialty paper and release materials produc-tion, and system development. At present, the CNT pellicles for EUV lithography equipment mentioned earlier do not fall into any of these categories. Such development would not have been possible if the employees of the LINTEC Group had only responded passively to narrowly defined needs. To be the most important and strongest supporter of our customers, in addition to integrating our knowledge and expertise with their needs, we must take a flexible, hands-on approach to technological development. This is the manu-facturing culture that has been passed down through the generations and has taken root in our organization.other technical areas. As a result, the awareness of prob-lems that individual salespeople develop through day-to-day communication with customers is better woven into the fabric of manufacturing proposals, manifesting itself in new products, and leading to solutions to customers’ issues that transcend divisions. The ability of our sales, R&D, and manufacturing teams to work together on technological development in this way is part of our unique company culture. In addition to establish-ing the development offices I described earlier, subcommit-tees and committees involved in various projects can consult with personnel from related departments. This expedites the journey from on-site information gathering to management-level decision-making. We can respond flexibly to the con-stant changes in the external environment because of the unity of purpose of the Group’s employees, which transcends departmental barriers. This is the source of our strength.13A Unity of Purpose Driving a Sense of Speed CompanywideTechnological Development That Addresses Needs and Leverages Our Strengths

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