Integrated Report 2023

NeedsProvision of products• Product design tailored to the application• Development and research of next-generation products Strength 2Strength 3Fiscal year ended March 31, 2013Overseas Sales RatioFiscal year ended March 31, 20237Customers (Markets)companiescompaniescompaniesEurope:3 Asia:23 Sales• Proposals of customer-specific customization• Flexible response due to collaboration between research and productionResearchProduction• Production system facilitating a wide range of product designs• Stable supply of high-quality productsLINTEC’s research and development approach is based on dialogue with the market. Our researchers join sales representa-tives when making customer visits, and their unique perspective and information-gathering capabilities help them accu-rately understand customers’ needs. We also strive to integrate research, production, and sales throughout each process from development to commercialization, enabling us to respond promptly and meticulously to each customer’s requests. We have established a strong presence in various markets through our ability to customize products to meet customers’ needs, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction.We have advanced the globalization of our businesses. The basic concept of these initiatives is local production, under which we produce and provide a stable supply of products in locations that are closer to our customers by establishing subsidiaries and conducting M&As to expand our overseas production and sales structure. Currently, we have approximately 40 consoli-dated subsidiaries with more than 5,000 employees in 19 countries and regions, and our overseas sales ratio has increased to more than 62%. Moving forward, we will work to further strengthen our global production and sales system, with a view toward expansion into areas where we do not yet have a presence.Global Network (As of March 31, 2023)North America:12 Japan OverseasMarket Dialogue-Driven R&D and the Ability to Customize Products to Meet Customer Needs Active expansion of Our Global Production and Sales Structure 33.7%62.1%

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