Integrated Report 2023

16Strength LINTEC has continued to record stable growth since the merger of its three predecessor companies in 1990. The source of the Group’s competitiveness lies in the wide range of products created by utilizing its four core technologies, its market dialogue-driven R&D and the ability to customize products to meet customer needs, and its global production and sales structure, which the Group is actively expanding.Adhesive productsRelease paper and Specialty filmSpecialty paper and release materials Surface improvementsurface agentsfor developing, mixing, and coating release agentsRelated equipmentpaperLINTEC leverages the core technologies it has cultivated over the years to offer a wide range of products. These include adhe-sive products used in various fields, such as mainstay adhesive paper and film for labels. We offer specialty paper with dis-tinctive colors, textures, and functions, as well as release paper and film that protect the adhesive surfaces of adhesive products. We also provide application and removal equipment that maximizes the performance of our adhesive products in various markets. Our four core technologies and the wide variety of products that result from combining them allow us to offer our distinctive total solutions with materials and equipment. We also achieve the integrated production of adhesive products and manufacture adhesive products in-house, starting with the base paper for release paper. Color paper for envelopesFour Core TechnologiesA Wide Range of ProductsProvision to Various MarketsAdhesive products for labelsAdhesive applicationsAdhesive development, Technologies for developing, mixing, and coating various mixing, and coating technologiesDaily necessities, food products, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics, construction, telecommunications equipment, home electronics, mobility, stationery (envelopes), aircraft, othersSemiconductor-related adhesive tapesSystem developmentproductionTechnologies for papermaking and Technologies for developing equipment for attaching, removing, and processingLINTEC’s StrengthsA Wide Range of Products Created by Leveraging Four Core Technologies Three Major Strengths That Support Growth

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