—111 12,931 4,863 17,906 77,730 Millions of yen202263 ¥ 36,980 960 1,602 1,289 2,523 54 16,413 59,823 23,355 26,709 171,325 (17,663)203,728 ¥304,881 2023 ¥ 44,309 1,292 1,346 4,210 2,640 72 18,510 72,382 1,468 111 15,937 3,207 20,724 93,107 23,320 26,943 166,242 (14,118)202,388 463 19,381 2,779 22,624 83 715 227,150 301 8,936 (2,414)6,823 93 451 209,758 ¥302,865 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETSCurrent liabilities: Short-term loans payable Current portion of long-term loans payable Accrued income taxes Provision for bonuses Provision for directors’ bonuses Other Trade notes and accounts payable Total current liabilitiesNon-current liabilities: Provision for environmental measures Net defined benefit liability Other Long-term loans payableTotal non-current liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesCommitments and contingent liabilitiesNet assets:Shareholders’ equity: Common stock: Capital surplus Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive income Net unrealized holding gain on securities Foreign currency translation adjustments Remeasurements of defined benefit plans Share subscription rightsNon-controlling interests Authorized: 300,000,000 shares in 2023 and 2022 Issued: 76,688,740 shares in 2023 and 76,659,440 shares in 2022Less: treasury stock, at cost: 8,329,891 shares in 2023 and 6,833,643 shares in 2022Total shareholders’ equityTotal accumulated other comprehensive incomeTotal net assetsTotal liabilities and net assets
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