55To enhance the corporate value of the Company—a manufacturer that supports society Satoshi OhokaOutside DirectorAkiko OkushimaOutside DirectorKanako OsawaOutside Director /Audit & Supervisory Committee MemberI give the Company high marks for providing more oppor-tunities for participation in management and enhanced discussions at meetings of the Board of Directors.I am entering my 12th year as an outside director of the Company. During my tenure, the Company has promoted efforts to reinforce its governance structure by reducing the number of directors and increasing the number of independent outside directors on the Board. In addition to meetings of the Board of Directors, outside directors now have many opportunities to participate in meetings and committees, including management meetings, the Nomination and Compensation Committee, the Sustainability Committee, and the Internal Control Committee, allowing us to actively contribute to the management of the Company. To complement the discussions held by the Board of Directors on significant topics such as M&A deals, the Company has established the Business Deliberation Council. This body has proven to be highly effective in ensuring sufficient deliberation takes place. in a wide range of industries—I think LINTEC needs to hone its strengths. Specifically, I hope to see the Company further reinforce its corporate structure through innovation and work actively to create new products and businesses. Leveraging my understanding of policy finance and experience as an outside director of other companies, I look forward to contrib-uting toward the Company’s development. I hope to contribute to operational reforms and enhanced corporate value by leveraging IT.At meetings of the Board of Directors, information is shared appropriately, and outside direc-tors are encouraged to offer opinions. This creates an atmosphere conducive to easily asking questions. I also appreciate that the Board of Directors is using a PDCA cycle to enhance its effectiveness. Joining the Sustainability Committee has helped me understand the environ-mental, social, and governance (ESG) issues the Company faces, as well as the improvement efforts that are underway. My impression is that the Company is working proactively on this front, such as by introducing a retirement age of 65, promoting teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic, and implementing work-style reforms. Utilizing customer purchasing data for marketing purposes is my forte, so I have focused on providing insight on how the Company might take advantage of digital transformation (DX), while also speaking from the perspective of the end consumer. I have shared examples from the retail industry and consumer goods manufacturers to illustrate these points. Despite an operating environment that is currently challenging due to high raw material and fuel prices and a downturn in the electronics market, I believe now is the time to demonstrate the true value of LINTEC SUSTAINABILITY VISION 2030 (LSV 2030). I hope to help enhance corporate value by leveraging my expertise, using IT to transform business processes, and building strong customer relationships, taking the entire supply chain into consideration.I aim to use my knowledge of the legal profession to meet the Company’s expectations.The Company works to ensure that the agenda is designed to allow for deliberation based on knowledge of background circumstances, by providing outside directors with advance copies of Board of Directors’ meeting materials, by establishing the Business Deliberation Council, and by holding monthly management meetings where department heads gather to provide analyses of their businesses. In both cases, I think outside directors’ questions are answered in good faith. The system thus seems to be functioning well. We believe outside directors could provide even more value by taking part in business planning and deliberations about the product portfolio. With society changing at a dizzying pace, management teams often find themselves having to make quick decisions in response to challenging problems. Moreover, companies’ sense of responsibility is growing with regard to the need to more effectively address environ-mental considerations and other social needs. LINTEC shows its respect for outside direc-tors’ opinions when making a variety of decisions, and this encourages me to meet the Company’s expectations. Going forward, I intend to use my expertise as an attorney to enhance the Board of Directors’ effectiveness and strengthen its oversight function.
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