Integrated Report 2023

Akihiko OuchiMakoto HattoriTsunetoshi MochizukiTakeshi KaiyaYoichi ShibanoHiroyuki MatsuoAkira SebeSatoshi OhokaAkiko OkushimaMasaaki KimuraKanako OsawaShigeru Sugimoto* The above table does not indicate all of the knowledge of each director.Basic remunerationBasic remunerationBasic remunerationNote: Basic remuneration is paid in cash as a fixed monthly amount. Bonuses are a short-term incentive remuneration, paid in cash, that reflect the evalua-tion of consolidated operating performance (consolidated net sales and consolidated operating income). Restricted stocks are shares provided a long-term incentive remuneration that motivates directors to contribute to share price appreciation and the enhancement of corporate value.Outside DirectorIndependent DirectorOutside DirectorIndependent DirectorOutside DirectorIndependent DirectorOutside DirectorIndependent DirectorOutside Director52Director DiversityRemuneration System for Directors (Excluding Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)Remuneration System for Outside Directors (Excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)Remuneration System for Directors (Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)GovernanceNameAttributeDirectorsDirectors Serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee MembersFixed remunerationCorporate management, management strategy, SDGsProduction, technology, research, ITRestricted stocksIncentive remunerationBonuses721—615———Finance, accounting, capital policy, Sales, marketingM&AsCorporate officer typeTotal Remuneration by Corporate Officer TypeHuman Legal affairs, risk resources, labor, human resource AuditmanagementdevelopmentTotal remuneration by typeBasic remu-nerationTotal remu-nerationBonusesRestricted stocks Global Knowledge of other businessexperience(Millions of yen)Number of people receiv-ing remunerationDirectors(excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee members and outside directors)Directors / Audit & Supervisory Committee members (excluding outside directors)Outside officers289206212144445428Remuneration of Corporate OfficersThe Company’s basic policy is to set the amount of remuneration for directors and its calculation method at an appropriate level based on the directors’ position and responsibilities within the maximum amount determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders. In addition, in order to enhance objectivity and transparency in the evaluation of directors (excluding outside directors and Audit & Supervisory Committee mem-bers) and the determination of their compensation, the Nomination and Compensation Committee provides advice and suggestions in con-sultation with the Board of Directors.

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